Joint Liaison Group Webinar Transcript a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/3998-2 00:01:24.985 --> 00:01:29.307 Good morning to this joint liaison group. My name is Julia a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/3998-3 00:01:29.307 --> 00:01:33.922 Mulligan and I'm the chair of the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/3998-4 00:01:33.922 --> 00:01:38.391 Authority. Hopefully we've got an interesting agenda for you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/3998-5 00:01:38.391 --> 00:01:38.831 today. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4009-0 00:01:39.331 --> 00:01:43.191 Umm, I'm just gonna say, uh, explain who we've got. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4048-0 00:01:44.191 --> 00:01:49.705 And for the next hour and a half, so you've got the the I'm a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4048-1 00:01:49.705 --> 00:01:54.945 going to just talk about a briefly, the new GLA strategy a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4048-2 00:01:54.945 --> 00:02:00.460 and I'm going to ask Ian to talk us through a case study in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4048-3 00:02:00.460 --> 00:02:01.471 Waterfield. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4138-0 00:02:03.291 --> 00:02:07.522 From the GLA to took us to through a case study, Sam Island a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4138-1 00:02:07.522 --> 00:02:11.682 is then going to talk through how our control strategy and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4138-2 00:02:11.682 --> 00:02:16.055 intelligence functions have been developing over the last few a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4138-3 00:02:16.055 --> 00:02:20.286 months and then I'm going to hand over to Keith Rosser from a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4138-4 00:02:20.286 --> 00:02:24.870 Jobs aware. Keith has two hats. He's also a non exec director of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4138-5 00:02:24.870 --> 00:02:29.524 the GLA and then Frank and Adina are going to take us through the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4138-6 00:02:29.524 --> 00:02:31.781 Romanian Workers rights project. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4225-0 00:02:32.201 --> 00:02:36.654 Umm, so I hopefully that that's clear and this is a webinar so a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4225-1 00:02:36.654 --> 00:02:40.966 if anybody's got any questions, please just drop them in the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4225-2 00:02:40.966 --> 00:02:45.348 chat and we've got Alicia, chief executive of the GLA here as a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4225-3 00:02:45.348 --> 00:02:49.660 well. And she'll gather up the questions at the end and make a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4225-4 00:02:49.660 --> 00:02:53.972 sure that everybody has a chance to get an answer if they so a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4225-5 00:02:53.972 --> 00:02:58.425 wish. So please do feel free to put your questions in the chat a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4225-6 00:02:58.425 --> 00:03:02.666 as we go through the meeting today. And just note that it's a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4225-7 00:03:02.666 --> 00:03:04.151 going to be recorded. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4274-0 00:03:04.431 --> 00:03:08.627 And and put on the on the website so. So hopefully people a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4274-1 00:03:08.627 --> 00:03:13.185 who haven't been able to make it get a chance to to hear it as a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4274-2 00:03:13.185 --> 00:03:17.743 well. And so with that I will go straight into my slides which a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4274-3 00:03:17.743 --> 00:03:21.071 are few in number. You'll be pleased to hear. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4373-0 00:03:21.461 --> 00:03:25.101 And which just gives you a quick overview of the new strategy a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4373-1 00:03:25.101 --> 00:03:28.800 that the GLA has been developing over the past few months. And a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4373-2 00:03:28.800 --> 00:03:32.324 just to point to note at the moment that we have to get our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4373-3 00:03:32.324 --> 00:03:35.729 strategies signed off by the Minister and this hasn't yet a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4373-4 00:03:35.729 --> 00:03:39.487 been signed off by the Minister. So unfortunately at this point a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4373-5 00:03:39.487 --> 00:03:43.128 in time, we won't be able to circulate the detail to you, but a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4373-6 00:03:43.128 --> 00:03:46.710 once it has been signed off, we will do so and and hopefully a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4373-7 00:03:46.710 --> 00:03:50.233 that that will be be helpful. So we just we thought it'd be a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4373-8 00:03:50.233 --> 00:03:53.697 helpful to give a heads up on what we've been thinking and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4373-9 00:03:53.697 --> 00:03:54.931 where we're gonna go. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4381-0 00:03:55.251 --> 00:03:57.561 Over the next three years for everybody today. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4437-0 00:03:58.721 --> 00:04:03.940 So work on the new strategy. This is a new strategy lasting a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4437-1 00:04:03.940 --> 00:04:09.507 for three years, starting from a now. So through over the next, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4437-2 00:04:09.507 --> 00:04:14.900 the next three years, it's the responsibility of the board of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4437-3 00:04:14.900 --> 00:04:20.467 the GLA to develop the strategy. But of course we don't do that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4437-4 00:04:20.467 --> 00:04:25.860 in isolation. We do that and working with colleagues and also a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4437-5 00:04:25.860 --> 00:04:27.861 of course listening to. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4509-0 00:04:27.961 --> 00:04:32.078 Our partners and our stakeholders UM and umm, we've a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4509-1 00:04:32.078 --> 00:04:36.434 also been doing quite a lot of work around the sort of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4509-2 00:04:36.434 --> 00:04:41.502 functions and structure of the GLA over the last few months and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4509-3 00:04:41.502 --> 00:04:46.411 that's generated a huge amount of data and evidence about our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4509-4 00:04:46.411 --> 00:04:51.480 work which is has fed into the strategy as well. So people will a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4509-5 00:04:51.480 --> 00:04:56.310 be aware that approximately 5 years ago the JLA was expanded a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4509-6 00:04:56.310 --> 00:04:58.211 and got some new powers. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4591-0 00:04:58.871 --> 00:05:02.733 We've got a a new board. Alice has been in place for about 18 a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4591-1 00:05:02.733 --> 00:05:06.595 months. I've been imposed since November 2021, and so we felt a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4591-2 00:05:06.595 --> 00:05:10.021 that this has been a good opportunity to really have a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4591-3 00:05:10.021 --> 00:05:13.198 good sit down and really good think about what the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4591-4 00:05:13.198 --> 00:05:16.811 organization does, why we're here and and and and what we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4591-5 00:05:16.811 --> 00:05:20.174 want to do over the next few years and really our our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4591-6 00:05:20.174 --> 00:05:23.912 conversations and thinking focused around you know, what is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4591-7 00:05:23.912 --> 00:05:27.712 it that the GLA does that nobody else can do. So what is our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4591-8 00:05:27.712 --> 00:05:29.581 niche, what is our specialism. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4665-0 00:05:29.961 --> 00:05:35.092 What? What? Uh, you know what is our core remit? And so of course a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4665-1 00:05:35.092 --> 00:05:39.990 the GLA was brought into being as a consequence of the tragedy a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4665-2 00:05:39.990 --> 00:05:44.732 in Morecambe Bay and we're here to protect exploited and and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4665-3 00:05:44.732 --> 00:05:49.630 vulnerable workers. And we are principally a regulator. And so a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4665-4 00:05:49.630 --> 00:05:54.295 really I'm new strategy looks at how we can become a really a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4665-5 00:05:54.295 --> 00:05:58.882 effective regulator and what that means for us in terms of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4665-6 00:05:58.882 --> 00:05:59.971 our resources. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4727-0 00:06:00.061 --> 00:06:05.008 And the people that we work with and the people importantly that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4727-1 00:06:05.008 --> 00:06:09.651 we we protect and so we have a new mission which is slightly a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4727-2 00:06:09.651 --> 00:06:14.598 different from where we were. We are now and that is to stop the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4727-3 00:06:14.598 --> 00:06:19.469 exploitation of workers in the UK and to ensure employers treat a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4727-4 00:06:19.469 --> 00:06:23.732 them fairly. And we thought long and hard about that in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4727-5 00:06:23.732 --> 00:06:27.081 particular. We thought about the word stop. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4788-0 00:06:28.151 --> 00:06:31.610 And I mean it's it's an aspiration is to stop that being a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4788-1 00:06:31.610 --> 00:06:35.130 a regulator we would we would like to do ourselves out of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4788-2 00:06:35.130 --> 00:06:38.772 business because if we didn't exist then people or if there a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4788-3 00:06:38.772 --> 00:06:42.595 wasn't a need for us, then we would have achieved what we have a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4788-4 00:06:42.595 --> 00:06:46.055 set out to do. But we felt it was really important to be a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4788-5 00:06:46.055 --> 00:06:49.757 really clear about why we're here and what we we need to do. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4788-6 00:06:49.757 --> 00:06:51.821 So that's that's our new mission. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4852-0 00:06:52.941 --> 00:06:57.502 We then have set ourselves 3 strategic goals and do you want a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4852-1 00:06:57.502 --> 00:07:02.063 to just move the slide on a little bit? Thank you. And so we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4852-2 00:07:02.063 --> 00:07:06.401 have 3 strategic goals and these are the real sort of the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4852-3 00:07:06.401 --> 00:07:11.186 foundation of our new strategy for the next three years. So the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4852-4 00:07:11.186 --> 00:07:15.897 first concerns are regulatory functions. So to be a robust and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4852-5 00:07:15.897 --> 00:07:19.861 effective regulator. So we recognise that excuse me. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4912-0 00:07:20.621 --> 00:07:25.453 That, you know, regulation has been has been a challenge for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4912-1 00:07:25.453 --> 00:07:30.444 the organization over the past few years and we are determined a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4912-2 00:07:30.444 --> 00:07:35.197 to achieve that goal over the next three years. And because a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4912-3 00:07:35.197 --> 00:07:40.187 that really is at the very heart of what we of what we do. The a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4912-4 00:07:40.187 --> 00:07:44.227 second goal is around our prevention, intelligence a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4912-5 00:07:44.227 --> 00:07:47.951 functions and our expertise and our knowledge. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4939-0 00:07:48.481 --> 00:07:52.200 Tensional stop following this announcement. They'll be routine a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4939-1 00:07:52.200 --> 00:07:55.802 bilam test. Thank you. I we've got a fire alarm test here at a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4939-2 00:07:55.802 --> 00:07:59.698 the GLA. I'm not quite sure what that entails, but we'll find out a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4939-3 00:07:59.698 --> 00:08:00.171 shortly. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/4949-0 00:08:15.611 --> 00:08:17.581 OK, hopefully that's over. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5015-0 00:08:19.301 --> 00:08:23.640 OK, alright. So the second element, uh, the second of our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5015-1 00:08:23.640 --> 00:08:28.354 strategic girls is to be known as experts in addressing worker a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5015-2 00:08:28.354 --> 00:08:33.069 abuse and exploitation. So we really we we we are really clear a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5015-3 00:08:33.069 --> 00:08:37.783 around what our specialism is, what our core mission is and we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5015-4 00:08:37.783 --> 00:08:42.571 need to build our expertise and knowledge about the threat risk a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5015-5 00:08:42.571 --> 00:08:46.836 and harm that we're here to tackle and we need to ensure a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5015-6 00:08:46.836 --> 00:08:47.211 that. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5019-0 00:08:47.661 --> 00:08:49.101 Everybody that we work with. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5102-0 00:08:50.751 --> 00:08:55.449 We can share that with everybody that we work with, umm, and that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5102-1 00:08:55.449 --> 00:08:59.721 we can use it to, UM, develop our prevention activities and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5102-2 00:08:59.721 --> 00:09:03.921 the work that we do with our partners, which leads me onto a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5102-3 00:09:03.921 --> 00:09:08.122 the third strategic girl goal, which is to be an essential a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5102-4 00:09:08.122 --> 00:09:12.322 enforcement partner. So we obviously work widely with wide a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5102-5 00:09:12.322 --> 00:09:16.949 range of partners at the moment and we know that our work can be a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5102-6 00:09:16.949 --> 00:09:21.363 the most effective when we work effectively with our partners a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5102-7 00:09:21.363 --> 00:09:24.781 and that it is absolutely essential to what we. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5159-0 00:09:24.861 --> 00:09:29.355 To and of course, we wish to continue and to develop that and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5159-1 00:09:29.355 --> 00:09:33.777 so that gives you a sort of whistle stop tour of the sort of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5159-2 00:09:33.777 --> 00:09:38.344 real focus of our strategy. We we will be publishing it in due a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5159-3 00:09:38.344 --> 00:09:42.839 course, but if you've got any questions about that, please do a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5159-4 00:09:42.839 --> 00:09:46.971 let us know and we're very happy to try and answer them. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5161-0 00:09:47.901 --> 00:09:48.251 And. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5222-0 00:09:49.021 --> 00:09:53.624 I think that's all I've got to say, which leads me nicely, I a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5222-1 00:09:53.624 --> 00:09:57.473 think into the first of our speakers, which is Ian a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5222-2 00:09:57.473 --> 00:10:02.228 Waterfield, who's our our head of enforcement. Ian is going to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5222-3 00:10:02.228 --> 00:10:06.907 talk to us about a case study of adept and agile who have had a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5222-4 00:10:06.907 --> 00:10:11.586 their license revoked and have also been subject to a strobe. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5222-5 00:10:11.586 --> 00:10:14.001 So, Ian, over to you. Thank you. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5227-0 00:10:16.481 --> 00:10:18.191 OK. Can everybody hear me OK? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5230-0 00:10:21.861 --> 00:10:22.641 Yeah. Can you hear me? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5239-0 00:10:23.591 --> 00:10:24.961 Yes. Yeah, we can hear you. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5251-0 00:10:24.291 --> 00:10:27.424 The right. OK, I have you. Have you got my slides on there, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5251-1 00:10:27.424 --> 00:10:29.461 Catherine, do you want me to to share? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5261-0 00:10:31.961 --> 00:10:34.451 I yes, I can do, yeah. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5337-0 00:10:34.051 --> 00:10:37.642 Yeah. Can you can can you can you that make it easier if if a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5337-1 00:10:37.642 --> 00:10:41.473 you could that be great so so I think what I want to talk about a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5337-2 00:10:41.473 --> 00:10:45.304 I think while the slides kind of come up is hopefully a kind of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5337-3 00:10:45.304 --> 00:10:48.895 interesting case really is a case study, it revolves around a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5337-4 00:10:48.895 --> 00:10:52.307 the supply of seasonal and temporary workers into the UK a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5337-5 00:10:52.307 --> 00:10:55.899 from Nepal and some follow up enforcement action. There are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5337-6 00:10:55.899 --> 00:10:59.610 some difficulties, this is an ongoing investigation. So other a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5337-7 00:10:59.610 --> 00:11:03.022 than adept and agile, I won't be naming any of the other a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5337-8 00:11:03.022 --> 00:11:03.621 companies. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5367-0 00:11:03.691 --> 00:11:07.207 Not involved. You know clearly we are still part way through a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5367-1 00:11:07.207 --> 00:11:10.493 the prosecution. So I'm not the investigation, hopefully a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5367-2 00:11:10.493 --> 00:11:14.183 prosecution. So I'm just sharing with you what I can. So OK, if a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5367-3 00:11:14.183 --> 00:11:16.201 you can move on to the next slide. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5386-0 00:11:17.141 --> 00:11:21.088 So, so really in terms of the overseas supply of workers, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5386-1 00:11:21.088 --> 00:11:24.151 this, this is this is a become a real issue. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5427-0 00:11:26.531 --> 00:11:30.217 Over the last couple of years for the Gillian and Samuel talk a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5427-1 00:11:30.217 --> 00:11:33.665 later on about kind of how this fits into our our control a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5427-2 00:11:33.665 --> 00:11:37.233 strategy. As we all know, the UK is heavily reliant in some a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5427-3 00:11:37.233 --> 00:11:40.740 sectors of the labour market on the supply of seasonal and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5427-4 00:11:40.740 --> 00:11:41.811 temporary workers. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5511-0 00:11:42.711 --> 00:11:46.377 I guess in the past that supply used to come predominantly from a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5511-1 00:11:46.377 --> 00:11:49.930 from Eastern Europe, but as we as we know now and we see that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5511-2 00:11:49.930 --> 00:11:53.424 businesses are sourcing workers from many other areas of the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5511-3 00:11:53.424 --> 00:11:56.919 world and you know we've come across recruitment agencies or a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5511-4 00:11:56.919 --> 00:12:00.643 trying to source workers from as many as 58 different countries, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5511-5 00:12:00.643 --> 00:12:03.737 which clearly gives some difficulties in terms of due a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5511-6 00:12:03.737 --> 00:12:07.404 diligence and things like that which I'll touch on a little bit a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5511-7 00:12:07.404 --> 00:12:10.383 later on for us for the GLAA relationships with law a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5511-8 00:12:10.383 --> 00:12:12.561 enforcement and labour inspectorates. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5552-0 00:12:12.911 --> 00:12:16.498 Or are are patchy. We used to have significant good a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5552-1 00:12:16.498 --> 00:12:20.569 relationships with kind of police in wider law enforcement a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5552-2 00:12:20.569 --> 00:12:24.846 and labour inspectorates in the UK, which was great for us to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5552-3 00:12:24.846 --> 00:12:28.365 enable checks on companies and also to assist with a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5552-4 00:12:28.365 --> 00:12:30.711 interventions kind of in country. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5563-0 00:12:32.691 --> 00:12:35.293 Now, now that people are recruiting much further afield, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5563-1 00:12:35.293 --> 00:12:36.891 that's much more difficult for us. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5632-0 00:12:38.401 --> 00:12:42.231 We haven't got the same kind of relationships, although they are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5632-1 00:12:42.231 --> 00:12:45.532 vastly improved in some countries, for example, such as a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5632-2 00:12:45.532 --> 00:12:49.068 Indonesia, but are very patchy in the in the pool, which is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5632-3 00:12:49.068 --> 00:12:52.663 what this presentation relates to. So we're working with the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5632-4 00:12:52.663 --> 00:12:56.257 FCDO and embassies to try and make the links that we need to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5632-5 00:12:56.257 --> 00:12:59.735 do to build those kind of relationships or help us in, in, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5632-6 00:12:59.735 --> 00:13:03.271 in the past in the future, sorry, there are issues clearly. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5665-0 00:13:05.841 --> 00:13:08.987 Which which became parent in this case around fee charging a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5665-1 00:13:08.987 --> 00:13:12.241 for kind of work finding fees and visa fees. Whereas we know a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5665-2 00:13:12.241 --> 00:13:15.654 that many of those breach Gill air licensing standards but they a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5665-3 00:13:15.654 --> 00:13:18.001 are not necessarily legal in some of those. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5715-0 00:13:18.691 --> 00:13:21.995 This on the countries that we're working with, certainly in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5715-1 00:13:21.995 --> 00:13:25.244 Nepal, it's not necessarily illegal, but I think I'll show a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5715-2 00:13:25.244 --> 00:13:28.328 in any event, so that the behavior continued in the UK, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5715-3 00:13:28.328 --> 00:13:31.632 which enable us to act in the way we do. There are inherent a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5715-4 00:13:31.632 --> 00:13:34.771 problems, I think with the associative visa schemes, not a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5715-5 00:13:34.771 --> 00:13:38.241 only the seasonal worker scheme, but skilled worker visas and. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5753-0 00:13:39.121 --> 00:13:42.445 There are gaps, I believe, in those in those schemes which a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5753-1 00:13:42.445 --> 00:13:46.107 you're trying to fix. It's a big issue in another area which I'm a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5753-2 00:13:46.107 --> 00:13:49.263 heavily involved in, for example, in, in care homes and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5753-3 00:13:49.263 --> 00:13:52.644 the provision of care. And there are clearly jurisdictional a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5753-4 00:13:52.644 --> 00:13:53.771 difficulties for us. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5769-0 00:13:55.171 --> 00:13:58.317 If things go wrong, so if you could move me on to the next a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5769-1 00:13:58.317 --> 00:13:59.011 slide please. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5774-0 00:14:00.191 --> 00:14:01.801 So there's a lot of information. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5780-0 00:14:02.541 --> 00:14:04.611 On on this slide, but you know hopefully. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5793-0 00:14:05.751 --> 00:14:08.527 Will be provided with the slides and you be able to to read a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5793-1 00:14:08.527 --> 00:14:10.101 through that. But this this case. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5812-0 00:14:11.701 --> 00:14:15.793 Revolved around a GLAA licence holder. As Julia touched on, the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5812-1 00:14:15.793 --> 00:14:19.821 company called Adept and Agile or based in Kathmandu in Nepal. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5817-0 00:14:23.391 --> 00:14:24.071 Just bear with me. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5825-0 00:14:25.401 --> 00:14:28.291 Of its these, I'll put it in words, it's not working. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5832-0 00:14:28.981 --> 00:14:31.391 Yeah, apparently my camera is not working so. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5843-0 00:14:34.191 --> 00:14:37.023 A thought about my cameras not working. It won't work, so a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5843-1 00:14:37.023 --> 00:14:37.951 apologies for that. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5846-0 00:14:39.581 --> 00:14:40.211 So it. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5868-0 00:14:41.571 --> 00:14:44.654 Say the the company basing the Paul so they were a sourcing a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5868-1 00:14:44.654 --> 00:14:47.377 workers for a UK based recruitment agency for supply a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5868-2 00:14:47.377 --> 00:14:48.611 into the poultry sector. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5892-0 00:14:49.301 --> 00:14:53.929 Uh, they they contact us several businesses in the UK advertising a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5892-1 00:14:53.929 --> 00:14:57.576 as a an ethical business, offering skilled overseas a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5892-2 00:14:57.576 --> 00:15:00.311 recruitment into a variety of sectors. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5895-0 00:15:01.181 --> 00:15:02.261 In the UK. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5929-0 00:15:02.961 --> 00:15:06.616 Though the end point businesses in the poultry sector have not a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5929-1 00:15:06.616 --> 00:15:10.039 engaged nor being aware of the evolvement of it, adept and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5929-2 00:15:10.039 --> 00:15:12.998 agile that are being done through a third party UK a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5929-3 00:15:12.998 --> 00:15:14.101 recruitment agency. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5945-0 00:15:15.131 --> 00:15:18.202 We know now through our investigation that adept and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/5945-1 00:15:18.202 --> 00:15:20.811 Agile are effectively a criminal enterprise. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6021-0 00:15:22.191 --> 00:15:25.867 They were targeting vulnerable perspective workers in Nepal. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6021-1 00:15:25.867 --> 00:15:29.542 They were desperate for work outside of Nepal than they were a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6021-2 00:15:29.542 --> 00:15:33.459 using other agency names to try and entice workers. For example, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6021-3 00:15:33.459 --> 00:15:36.653 companies like the Peace Institute and other similar a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6021-4 00:15:36.653 --> 00:15:40.570 company names that kind of give a different spin on what they do a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6021-5 00:15:40.570 --> 00:15:44.427 and they were all effective and run by the same people. So they a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6021-6 00:15:44.427 --> 00:15:48.103 were giving false information to workers about what the work a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6021-7 00:15:48.103 --> 00:15:51.839 would look like in the UK in terms of kind of pay the sort of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6021-8 00:15:51.839 --> 00:15:52.141 work. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6033-0 00:15:52.221 --> 00:15:55.338 That they were doing the sort of lifestyle that they could expect a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6033-1 00:15:55.338 --> 00:15:55.811 in the UK. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6072-0 00:15:56.751 --> 00:16:00.663 We know that the workers were bullied and cheated into paying a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6072-1 00:16:00.663 --> 00:16:04.576 unwanted fees. We I'll come on to the numbers of workers that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6072-2 00:16:04.576 --> 00:16:08.299 we encountered, but in the main there were paying anywhere a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6072-3 00:16:08.299 --> 00:16:10.761 between 11,019 thousand UK pounds for. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6075-0 00:16:11.501 --> 00:16:12.461 The provision of. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6111-0 00:16:14.131 --> 00:16:17.699 Work finding and also the the visas required to come and work a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6111-1 00:16:17.699 --> 00:16:21.094 in the UK and costs as we know by right that they probably a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6111-2 00:16:21.094 --> 00:16:24.605 didn't need to pay, certainly wouldn't have had to pay those a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6111-3 00:16:24.605 --> 00:16:25.181 in the UK. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6176-0 00:16:26.091 --> 00:16:29.701 They were forced into pay in installments because, you know, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6176-1 00:16:29.701 --> 00:16:33.015 it's a particularly poor country. There's not that, you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6176-2 00:16:33.015 --> 00:16:36.329 know, then got access to a lot of money. So people were a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6176-3 00:16:36.329 --> 00:16:40.117 obtaining loans, securing loans against property, borrowing off a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6176-4 00:16:40.117 --> 00:16:43.786 family. And the offenders, in this case as a result then with a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6176-5 00:16:43.786 --> 00:16:46.982 held their passports and identity documents until the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6176-6 00:16:46.982 --> 00:16:50.356 money could be paid and had significant control over the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6176-7 00:16:50.356 --> 00:16:52.191 bank accounts of those workers. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6188-0 00:16:53.391 --> 00:16:57.681 Uh that they encountered, but workers were also subject to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6188-1 00:16:57.681 --> 00:16:58.991 threats and abuse. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6223-0 00:17:01.741 --> 00:17:05.183 By the offenders, they were threatened that if they kind of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6223-1 00:17:05.183 --> 00:17:08.510 talk to either Nepalese law enforcement authorities or UK a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6223-2 00:17:08.510 --> 00:17:11.780 law enforcement authorities about the kind of payment of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6223-3 00:17:11.780 --> 00:17:14.591 fees and what was happening, that they would be. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6279-0 00:17:15.961 --> 00:17:19.864 There would be further issues for them both in the UK and also a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6279-1 00:17:19.864 --> 00:17:23.767 threats towards family back in Nepal, which you can imagine is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6279-2 00:17:23.767 --> 00:17:27.174 really difficult if you got family back there, you are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6279-3 00:17:27.174 --> 00:17:31.202 working in the UK to send money back to Nepal and you can't kind a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6279-4 00:17:31.202 --> 00:17:35.105 of protect them because you are so far away. So clearly that's a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6279-5 00:17:35.105 --> 00:17:38.141 some control being exerted around those workers. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6306-0 00:17:38.741 --> 00:17:42.973 And this investigation was uncovered by chance really for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6306-1 00:17:42.973 --> 00:17:47.498 us when UK borders officials detained 8 Nepalese nationals at a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6306-2 00:17:47.498 --> 00:17:50.271 Manchester Airport in August of 2022. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6337-0 00:17:51.091 --> 00:17:55.743 They were concerned about what they've been told at the border. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6337-1 00:17:55.743 --> 00:18:00.178 They contacted ourselves and other enforcement bodies, which a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6337-2 00:18:00.178 --> 00:18:04.467 resulted in the in the GLAA on immigration officials doing a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6337-3 00:18:04.467 --> 00:18:04.831 some. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6350-0 00:18:05.551 --> 00:18:12.001 Uh, further safeguarding visits at a number of sites in the UK. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6365-0 00:18:13.311 --> 00:18:15.332 And you'll see how you see on the right of the slide there. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6365-1 00:18:15.332 --> 00:18:17.421 I've already touched on some of the legislative difficulties. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6379-0 00:18:17.571 --> 00:18:21.821 Uh, you know, investigate limitations are are real for us. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6379-1 00:18:21.821 --> 00:18:23.551 We have no jurisdiction. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6425-0 00:18:24.591 --> 00:18:28.221 On the kind of seasonal worker scheme, we have no jurisdiction a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6425-1 00:18:28.221 --> 00:18:31.794 to kind of intervene in Nepal. The only way that the GLAA can a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6425-2 00:18:31.794 --> 00:18:35.078 get involved is if there is additional offending and the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6425-3 00:18:35.078 --> 00:18:38.074 appending continues in the UK and clearly there are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6425-4 00:18:38.074 --> 00:18:41.647 safeguarding issues for us both in Nepal because we knew that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6425-5 00:18:41.647 --> 00:18:43.261 there was an ongoing supply. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6451-0 00:18:44.281 --> 00:18:48.101 Of workers and it was difficult for us to ensure that they were a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6451-1 00:18:48.101 --> 00:18:51.802 safeguarded in the pool before they actually left for the UK. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6451-2 00:18:51.802 --> 00:18:53.951 So there's some significant issues. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6476-0 00:18:54.941 --> 00:18:59.262 Uh, for us in how we were going to investigate the allegations a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6476-1 00:18:59.262 --> 00:19:03.240 that were starting to be made based on that kind of first a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6476-2 00:19:03.240 --> 00:19:05.641 interaction at Manchester Airport. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6484-0 00:19:06.581 --> 00:19:08.971 So if it can kind of move on to the next slide, please. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6488-0 00:19:11.081 --> 00:19:13.101 So the GLAA investigation. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6492-0 00:19:14.281 --> 00:19:15.071 Over the next. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6542-0 00:19:15.801 --> 00:19:19.700 Couple of months we identified 155 workers that had been a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6542-1 00:19:19.700 --> 00:19:24.216 supplied by adept and agile into the poultry sector in the UK and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6542-2 00:19:24.216 --> 00:19:28.252 if you think what spoke about earlier about them all being a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6542-3 00:19:28.252 --> 00:19:31.810 charged between, you know, 11 and £19,000, that's a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6542-4 00:19:31.810 --> 00:19:36.325 significant amount of money that the that the license agency back a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6542-5 00:19:36.325 --> 00:19:36.941 in Nepal. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6622-0 00:19:40.121 --> 00:19:44.427 A taken from these workers, there were legitimate fees that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6622-1 00:19:44.427 --> 00:19:48.447 that could be levied in in the UK and they they kind of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6622-2 00:19:48.447 --> 00:19:53.113 amounted to another 5000. So the workers were completely unaware a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6622-3 00:19:53.113 --> 00:19:57.563 of that until they arrived in the UK, so taking their kind of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6622-4 00:19:57.563 --> 00:20:02.013 total debt, you know, kind of 16 to 24,000 pounds on average, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6622-5 00:20:02.013 --> 00:20:06.464 which is a significant amount of money to anybody. Never mind a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6622-6 00:20:06.464 --> 00:20:08.761 somebody hasn't got access to a. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6654-0 00:20:09.421 --> 00:20:12.614 To great means back in back in their home country. And when you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6654-1 00:20:12.614 --> 00:20:15.659 look at the kind of contracts on the salaries that they will a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6654-2 00:20:15.659 --> 00:20:18.952 likely to earn during that time, it was unlikely that they'd ever a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6654-3 00:20:18.952 --> 00:20:19.901 be able to service. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6700-0 00:20:20.201 --> 00:20:23.731 Umm, that debt and of course adept and agile were actually a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6700-1 00:20:23.731 --> 00:20:27.082 actually getting a double hit because they were clearly a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6700-2 00:20:27.082 --> 00:20:30.911 charging not only the workers, but they're also charging the UK a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6700-3 00:20:30.911 --> 00:20:34.142 businesses for the for the services. And so they were a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6700-4 00:20:34.142 --> 00:20:37.972 getting kind of a double hit. So making a significant amount of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6700-5 00:20:37.972 --> 00:20:38.331 money. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6786-0 00:20:41.251 --> 00:20:44.997 In this, I've already touched on themselves, you know, talking a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6786-1 00:20:44.997 --> 00:20:48.802 about themselves and established recruitment agency, there were a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6786-2 00:20:48.802 --> 00:20:52.667 there were issues clearly in the UK. You know one thing to think a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6786-3 00:20:52.667 --> 00:20:56.175 about is how do how do you UK businesses conduct their due a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6786-4 00:20:56.175 --> 00:20:59.862 diligence. So clearly there was a UK based recruitment agency a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6786-5 00:20:59.862 --> 00:21:03.786 that was acting as a kind of a a middle person. But you know what a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6786-6 00:21:03.786 --> 00:21:06.878 we found is not everybody necessarily looks further a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6786-7 00:21:06.878 --> 00:21:10.743 upstream to have a look at where those workers are being sourced a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6786-8 00:21:10.743 --> 00:21:11.041 from. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6801-0 00:21:11.161 --> 00:21:14.293 And you know what? You know what, practically can you do if a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6801-1 00:21:14.293 --> 00:21:16.591 you got recruitment agent that's trying to? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6823-0 00:21:18.251 --> 00:21:20.538 Trying to recruit from 58 different countries, for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6823-1 00:21:20.538 --> 00:21:23.274 example, how do they? How do they conduct that due diligence a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6823-2 00:21:23.274 --> 00:21:25.921 to be able to ensure that those workers are being sourced? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6835-0 00:21:26.341 --> 00:21:31.237 Umm, in a way that would be ethical to us, kind of in the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6835-1 00:21:31.237 --> 00:21:31.491 UK. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6862-0 00:21:32.361 --> 00:21:36.366 So so once the GLAA and other law enforcement bodies started a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6862-1 00:21:36.366 --> 00:21:40.634 to interact with the workers on site, we initially got four only a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6862-2 00:21:40.634 --> 00:21:43.721 four, only four referrals around the behavior. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6871-0 00:21:45.351 --> 00:21:48.741 That was continuing in the UK and also the payment of. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6893-0 00:21:49.831 --> 00:21:53.392 A fee. So we got we got four which add to 155, you know a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6893-1 00:21:53.392 --> 00:21:56.000 wasn't a lot, but the persistence of the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6893-2 00:21:56.000 --> 00:21:56.891 investigators. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6903-0 00:21:57.881 --> 00:22:01.551 Over the months that followed, we eventually had 120. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6924-0 00:22:02.181 --> 00:22:06.340 That kind of confirmed they'd all been treated in the same a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6924-1 00:22:06.340 --> 00:22:10.851 way, and that the intimidation and threats continued throughout a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6924-2 00:22:10.851 --> 00:22:12.191 their work in life. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6939-0 00:22:14.011 --> 00:22:17.582 In the UK, there are also issues about accommodation that was a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6939-1 00:22:17.582 --> 00:22:19.771 provided in the UK and links back to. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6957-0 00:22:20.551 --> 00:22:23.940 So the kind of licence holder in Nepal and they they had got a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6957-1 00:22:23.940 --> 00:22:25.941 people working in the UK that were. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6966-0 00:22:26.661 --> 00:22:30.751 Kind of exerting ongoing control over their over those. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6987-0 00:22:31.701 --> 00:22:36.276 Over the workers, so all the 120 were referred into the national a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6987-1 00:22:36.276 --> 00:22:40.078 referral mechanism, either voluntarily or by means of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/6987-2 00:22:40.078 --> 00:22:40.571 notify. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7005-0 00:22:41.921 --> 00:22:45.104 But because the threats and intimidation continue in the UK, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7005-1 00:22:45.104 --> 00:22:48.131 that was the trigger for us to be able to use the powers. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7040-0 00:22:48.351 --> 00:22:52.412 Umm that we got and we decided that we needed to exert some a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7040-1 00:22:52.412 --> 00:22:55.933 immediate control. And so we went for a slavery and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7040-2 00:22:55.933 --> 00:23:00.130 trafficking risk order. So they were, they were given powers, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7040-3 00:23:00.130 --> 00:23:02.161 was given to the GLAA in 2017. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7063-0 00:23:03.011 --> 00:23:05.950 They are a civil order and they use to prevent slavery and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7063-1 00:23:05.950 --> 00:23:08.890 trafficking by somebody we suspect has already committed a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7063-2 00:23:08.890 --> 00:23:11.431 modern slavery offence, which we did in this case. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7076-0 00:23:12.151 --> 00:23:14.575 And the courts got to be satisfied that the orders a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7076-1 00:23:14.575 --> 00:23:15.051 necessary. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7110-0 00:23:16.421 --> 00:23:19.932 To protect against a risk of harm and continue defending, so a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7110-1 00:23:19.932 --> 00:23:23.214 we issue those during the investigation, it allows us to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7110-2 00:23:23.214 --> 00:23:26.725 get control over the over the offenders and to safeguard the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7110-3 00:23:26.725 --> 00:23:29.201 victims. We can put some fairly draconian. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7131-0 00:23:29.961 --> 00:23:33.150 Conditions on individuals. We can stop them from recruiting a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7131-1 00:23:33.150 --> 00:23:36.232 workers. We can stop them from travelling, stop them from a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7131-2 00:23:36.232 --> 00:23:38.731 accessing bank accounts holding bank accounts. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7147-0 00:23:41.211 --> 00:23:44.582 We can stop them doing almost anything, which which enables us a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7147-1 00:23:44.582 --> 00:23:47.151 then to carry on the investigation uninhibited. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7173-0 00:23:48.391 --> 00:23:52.123 Really, we we've used this tool really effectively early in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7173-1 00:23:52.123 --> 00:23:56.104 investigations and I think that we've become a national lead in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7173-2 00:23:56.104 --> 00:23:58.281 this area. We have 34 such orders. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7180-0 00:23:59.801 --> 00:24:02.261 In place, but this the first time. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7196-0 00:24:03.191 --> 00:24:07.153 The UK had ever managed to secure a slave and trafficking a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7196-1 00:24:07.153 --> 00:24:09.681 risk order for offenders that lived. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7211-0 00:24:10.541 --> 00:24:14.914 Outside the UK and the offending started outside the UK had never a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7211-1 00:24:14.914 --> 00:24:16.571 been done before we were. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7224-0 00:24:18.081 --> 00:24:21.739 It was kind of a step into the unknown for us about whether we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7224-1 00:24:21.739 --> 00:24:22.901 could make the case. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7265-0 00:24:23.811 --> 00:24:28.363 To be able to do that, but the core did issue as the the order a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7265-1 00:24:28.363 --> 00:24:32.844 as a result of US issuing that order. As you know, workers at a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7265-2 00:24:32.844 --> 00:24:37.397 all have been charged another 5000 by businesses in the UK. We a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7265-3 00:24:37.397 --> 00:24:39.421 managed to recover £275,000. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7328-0 00:24:40.661 --> 00:24:43.617 For those workers from businesses in the UK, and we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7328-1 00:24:43.617 --> 00:24:47.199 think there's probably gonna be somewhere in the region of the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7328-2 00:24:47.199 --> 00:24:50.838 same, again still to recover our investigation is still ongoing a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7328-3 00:24:50.838 --> 00:24:54.420 and discussions are taking place around prosecution. There are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7328-4 00:24:54.420 --> 00:24:57.434 some, as I've said, some jurisdictional issues about a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7328-5 00:24:57.434 --> 00:25:00.504 whether we can prosecute. We don't have any locust to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7328-6 00:25:00.504 --> 00:25:03.176 prosecute in Nepal, our relationships with law a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7328-7 00:25:03.176 --> 00:25:05.451 enforcement are still in their infancy. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7374-0 00:25:06.471 --> 00:25:10.150 So to try and get the Nepalese authorities to prosecute is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7374-1 00:25:10.150 --> 00:25:13.704 quite difficult, but we are in in discussions with Crown a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7374-2 00:25:13.704 --> 00:25:16.947 Prosecution Service about whether we think there is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7374-3 00:25:16.947 --> 00:25:20.377 sufficient to mounted prosecution. The actual issue of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7374-4 00:25:20.377 --> 00:25:24.492 the slavery and trafficking risk order generates some significant a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7374-5 00:25:24.492 --> 00:25:26.301 media attention in Nepal and. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7398-0 00:25:27.231 --> 00:25:31.163 And the government temporarily suspended supply and workers to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7398-1 00:25:31.163 --> 00:25:34.845 the UK while they tried to grapple with some of the issues a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7398-2 00:25:34.845 --> 00:25:38.341 over there. So it kind of had a major deterrent effect. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7407-0 00:25:39.681 --> 00:25:42.741 Over there. So that's something that we'll look to. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7480-0 00:25:43.791 --> 00:25:47.596 To use in the future, it's just on the prosecution front. If at a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7480-1 00:25:47.596 --> 00:25:51.045 the end of this that we don't get to a prosecution phase, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7480-2 00:25:51.045 --> 00:25:54.672 we've had a lot of success with going back to court with the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7480-3 00:25:54.672 --> 00:25:58.181 intelligence that we've gathered over an investigation and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7480-4 00:25:58.181 --> 00:26:01.867 getting the courts to kind of extend the scope of the slavery a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7480-5 00:26:01.867 --> 00:26:05.554 and trafficking risk orders for up to 10 years. So that means a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7480-6 00:26:05.554 --> 00:26:09.419 that we can put some significant control around those offenders, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7480-7 00:26:09.419 --> 00:26:12.928 probably a lot more than we would be able to do if we were a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7480-8 00:26:12.928 --> 00:26:13.701 to prosecute. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7487-0 00:26:13.801 --> 00:26:16.791 So if we can move on to the the final slide. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7518-0 00:26:20.331 --> 00:26:24.097 Clearly there are, you know, in terms of our kind of licensing a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7518-1 00:26:24.097 --> 00:26:27.625 approach. This was not just about prosecution clear. There a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7518-2 00:26:27.625 --> 00:26:31.452 are GLAA licence holder. So that license was issued in February a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7518-3 00:26:31.452 --> 00:26:31.751 2022. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7588-0 00:26:32.601 --> 00:26:35.927 There are some difficulties for us in issuing licences to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7588-1 00:26:35.927 --> 00:26:39.598 overseas applicants, you know, especially post COVID. You know, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7588-2 00:26:39.598 --> 00:26:43.039 we used to do a lot of that in the UK. Now a lot of that is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7588-3 00:26:43.039 --> 00:26:46.423 done through virtually and that's that's kind of something a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7588-4 00:26:46.423 --> 00:26:49.806 we're looking at. But as a result of our investigation, we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7588-5 00:26:49.806 --> 00:26:53.305 were able to then suspend the licence for adept and agile in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7588-6 00:26:53.305 --> 00:26:56.918 in December 2018 and then using the evidence that we collected a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7588-7 00:26:56.918 --> 00:26:59.901 in the investigation stage, finally able to revoke. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7666-0 00:27:00.901 --> 00:27:04.203 Not licence in 2023, so a really, really good example of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7666-1 00:27:04.203 --> 00:27:07.564 joined up enforcement and licensing activity. We have got a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7666-2 00:27:07.564 --> 00:27:11.214 some recent intelligence at that company also trying to supply a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7666-3 00:27:11.214 --> 00:27:14.517 workers under another company name into the construction a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7666-4 00:27:14.517 --> 00:27:17.414 sector in the UK, but fortunately our slavery and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7666-5 00:27:17.414 --> 00:27:20.833 trafficking risk order would prohibit them from doing that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7666-6 00:27:20.833 --> 00:27:24.078 and they commit another offense which is arrestable and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7666-7 00:27:24.078 --> 00:27:27.207 imprisonable in the UK. So that's another part of the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7666-8 00:27:27.207 --> 00:27:30.973 investigation that's continuing. They clearly, as with all these a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7666-9 00:27:30.973 --> 00:27:33.291 things, there are some learning points. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7721-0 00:27:34.011 --> 00:27:37.610 For the GLAA you know and other agencies, particularly about a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7721-1 00:27:37.610 --> 00:27:41.328 strengthening the kind of visa schemes due diligence, you know a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7721-2 00:27:41.328 --> 00:27:44.633 by recruitment agencies, not forgetting to look further a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7721-3 00:27:44.633 --> 00:27:48.292 upstream and ensuring yourselves that the kind of workers are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7721-4 00:27:48.292 --> 00:27:52.010 being sourced ethically and not subject to unwarranted kind of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7721-5 00:27:52.010 --> 00:27:54.371 demands and many cases and threats and. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7728-0 00:27:55.221 --> 00:27:59.291 The imposition of significant financial burdens. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7788-0 00:28:00.571 --> 00:28:04.332 What more can we do about worker engagement on arrival, meeting a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7788-1 00:28:04.332 --> 00:28:07.741 and greeting, we did a pilot last year and we're gonna do a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7788-2 00:28:07.741 --> 00:28:11.327 some more work this year about meeting a greeting. So rather a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7788-3 00:28:11.327 --> 00:28:14.853 than waiting for workers to arrive at their workplace, what a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7788-4 00:28:14.853 --> 00:28:18.497 more can we do at the border to try and uncover some of these a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7788-5 00:28:18.497 --> 00:28:21.906 issues early so we can intervene really early in terms of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7788-6 00:28:21.906 --> 00:28:22.671 safeguarding? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7821-0 00:28:23.831 --> 00:28:27.699 And and also fills the use of an alternative sanction. You know, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7821-1 00:28:27.699 --> 00:28:31.508 using slavery trafficking risk orders, not just prosecution has a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7821-2 00:28:31.508 --> 00:28:35.197 been really successful for us. So that's all I've got to kind a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7821-3 00:28:35.197 --> 00:28:36.031 of say really. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7827-0 00:28:37.251 --> 00:28:38.771 And I I'm open up to questions. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7877-0 00:28:39.881 --> 00:28:44.215 And thank you very much. And so there are some questions in the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7877-1 00:28:44.215 --> 00:28:48.345 chat for you and you want me to read, I'll read them out for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7854-0 00:28:47.481 --> 00:28:48.071 OK. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7877-2 00:28:48.345 --> 00:28:52.138 you. Yeah. Were these workers entering the UK under the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7877-3 00:28:52.138 --> 00:28:56.472 seasonal worker scheme? And if so, what operator were adept and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7877-4 00:28:56.472 --> 00:28:57.691 agile working for? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7911-0 00:28:57.401 --> 00:29:00.908 No, they, they, they were. They were entering the UK and the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7911-1 00:29:00.908 --> 00:29:04.529 skilled workers visa scheme. So and and there are a few on the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7911-2 00:29:04.529 --> 00:29:08.094 seasonal workers scheme. But as I said I can't I don't really a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7911-3 00:29:08.094 --> 00:29:11.428 wanna name the operators because this is still an ongoing a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7911-4 00:29:11.428 --> 00:29:12.751 criminal investigation. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7970-0 00:29:13.221 --> 00:29:16.689 OK. And that's that's super. Thank you very much. And there a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7970-1 00:29:16.689 --> 00:29:19.927 are no more questions in the chat, but if anybody's got a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7970-2 00:29:19.927 --> 00:29:23.453 further questions that that they're sort of cogitating on as a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7970-3 00:29:23.453 --> 00:29:27.038 we go through the presentation app, Peter, we've got one from a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7970-4 00:29:27.038 --> 00:29:30.564 Peter from Flex. And do we know if the Nepalese workers have a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/7970-5 00:29:30.564 --> 00:29:34.091 received any form of redress at this stage or is it at what? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8032-0 00:29:33.641 --> 00:29:37.739 Yeah. Yeah, Peter, we've, we've we've recovered a significant a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8032-1 00:29:37.739 --> 00:29:41.572 amount of money £275,000 that we've managed to recompense a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8032-2 00:29:41.572 --> 00:29:45.538 those workers with. And there are we we think that there is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8032-3 00:29:45.538 --> 00:29:49.570 probably a similar amount of money that we still we're still a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8032-4 00:29:49.570 --> 00:29:53.338 in negotiation with some UK businesses about some of the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8032-5 00:29:53.338 --> 00:29:57.304 additional fees that they, they've kind of levied. And so I a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8032-6 00:29:57.304 --> 00:29:57.701 think. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8082-0 00:29:58.601 --> 00:30:01.671 I think all the money that they were, they were left the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8082-1 00:30:01.671 --> 00:30:04.742 additional money they were levered in the UK they did or a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8082-2 00:30:04.742 --> 00:30:08.137 5000 will get back for them. And then then it will be an issue a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8082-3 00:30:08.137 --> 00:30:11.423 for once we get to the kind of question of prosecution about a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8082-4 00:30:11.423 --> 00:30:14.871 whether there is further redress that we can get for them about a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8082-5 00:30:14.871 --> 00:30:16.811 the money that was levied in Nepal. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8109-0 00:30:18.481 --> 00:30:22.267 OK, umm, there's another question here. UM, uh, what is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8109-1 00:30:22.267 --> 00:30:26.392 the role of the GLAA, if any, when the Home Office is having a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8109-2 00:30:26.392 --> 00:30:30.314 conversations about revoking or suspending the licence of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8109-3 00:30:30.314 --> 00:30:30.991 operators? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8111-0 00:30:31.901 --> 00:30:32.341 We. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8157-0 00:30:32.421 --> 00:30:35.927 But not not in this, not in this case, but if I move it in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8157-1 00:30:35.927 --> 00:30:39.670 another area that I'm working quite heavily with. So in in the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8157-2 00:30:39.670 --> 00:30:43.176 care sector where we've got some similar problems with not a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8157-3 00:30:43.176 --> 00:30:46.861 seasonal worker visa scheme, but skilled worker visa schemes, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8157-4 00:30:46.861 --> 00:30:48.941 we've got a multi agency approach. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8204-0 00:30:49.781 --> 00:30:54.361 Uh, you know, with a sponsor and assurance team and you know from a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8204-1 00:30:54.361 --> 00:30:58.385 UKVI. So. So we are we are having conversations with them a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8204-2 00:30:58.385 --> 00:31:02.896 about businesses that we suspect are kind of breaching the terms a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8204-3 00:31:02.896 --> 00:31:06.643 of their, their kind of sponsorship license. And UKVI a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8204-4 00:31:06.643 --> 00:31:10.391 have taken a fairly robust approach about suspending. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8264-0 00:31:11.301 --> 00:31:15.111 Very, very quickly, in the first instance and then conducting a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8264-1 00:31:15.111 --> 00:31:18.921 their investigation. So so in the care sector, they suspended a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8264-2 00:31:18.921 --> 00:31:22.793 49 / a six week period at the back end of last year and end up a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8264-3 00:31:22.793 --> 00:31:26.542 revoking about half of those. So it is a kind of a joined up a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8264-4 00:31:26.542 --> 00:31:30.290 approach with a kind of other enforcement bodies and touches a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8264-5 00:31:30.290 --> 00:31:34.101 on what Julia mentioned about the new strategy going forward. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8332-0 00:31:34.611 --> 00:31:38.058 OK, thanks. In I've just got two more questions and then I'm a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8332-1 00:31:38.058 --> 00:31:41.731 gonna have to draw it to a close because I'm conscious we've got a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8332-2 00:31:41.731 --> 00:31:45.122 quite a lot more to go. So I will come back to questions at a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8332-3 00:31:45.122 --> 00:31:48.569 the end if we've got time. So a question from so even if you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8308-0 00:31:46.291 --> 00:31:46.781 OK. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8332-4 00:31:48.569 --> 00:31:51.621 could just keep your answers brief, sorry to be a bit a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8323-0 00:31:51.531 --> 00:31:51.911 Mm-hmm. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8332-5 00:31:51.621 --> 00:31:52.921 schoolmarmish with you. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8331-0 00:31:52.831 --> 00:31:53.781 That's OK, no. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8346-0 00:31:54.701 --> 00:31:59.450 So a question from Steve Mercer saying that it's taking a long a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8346-1 00:31:59.450 --> 00:32:01.411 time to get to this point. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8386-0 00:32:02.171 --> 00:32:05.277 Well, I'm not sure. I'm not sure it really Tony in it. It's only a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8386-1 00:32:05.277 --> 00:32:08.001 came. It's only came to light in, in, in August 2022. We a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8386-2 00:32:08.001 --> 00:32:10.773 clearly can't get the slavery and trafficking risk orders a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8386-3 00:32:10.773 --> 00:32:13.783 unless we've got the evidence ready to go to court to get that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8386-4 00:32:13.783 --> 00:32:15.791 and it's something we're not done before. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8421-0 00:32:16.491 --> 00:32:21.195 OK, thanks. Thanks. In so, so, uh and then a question from from a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8421-1 00:32:21.195 --> 00:32:25.900 Kelly Shields were the Nepalese workers implicated in the fresh a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8421-2 00:32:25.900 --> 00:32:30.384 produce seasonal worker sector last year linked to anyway in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8421-3 00:32:30.384 --> 00:32:33.031 this LinkedIn any way to this case? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8425-0 00:32:33.241 --> 00:32:34.251 I don't think so. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8459-0 00:32:34.451 --> 00:32:38.979 We don't think so, and the final one, which point what should end a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8459-1 00:32:38.979 --> 00:32:43.095 point? Use a. What should that endpoint user business? What a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8459-2 00:32:43.095 --> 00:32:46.869 should endpoints user business do to counter potential a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8459-3 00:32:46.869 --> 00:32:47.761 exploitation? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8495-0 00:32:47.441 --> 00:32:50.630 Well, I think I think there's a bit there about, you know, their a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8495-1 00:32:50.630 --> 00:32:53.769 due diligence that we've already talked about and also engaging a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8495-2 00:32:53.769 --> 00:32:57.008 with the kind of workers really, really early about their journey a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8495-3 00:32:57.008 --> 00:33:00.000 here. So if there is anything that we can we can respond and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8495-4 00:33:00.000 --> 00:33:01.031 react really quickly. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8571-0 00:33:02.111 --> 00:33:06.070 OK, super. Ian, thank you very much. Just to say people, if you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8571-1 00:33:06.070 --> 00:33:09.905 would like to just pop any more questions in the chat, we can a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8571-2 00:33:09.905 --> 00:33:13.740 come back to them later on. But in that was super interesting a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8571-3 00:33:13.740 --> 00:33:17.761 and I think it's a really great example of the sort of core work a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8571-4 00:33:17.761 --> 00:33:21.596 that the GLA does. As you said, the sort of joined up working a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8571-5 00:33:21.596 --> 00:33:24.999 between enforcements and licensing really delivering a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8571-6 00:33:24.999 --> 00:33:28.772 good result and bang on in terms of the the new strategy. So a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8571-7 00:33:28.772 --> 00:33:30.381 thank you very, very much. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8582-0 00:33:29.821 --> 00:33:33.185 Yes and sorry, sorry about the camera, but I probably saved you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8582-1 00:33:33.185 --> 00:33:33.711 all today. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8611-0 00:33:33.561 --> 00:33:37.286 Don't worry and we'll we'll, we'll forgive you. So gonna hand a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8611-1 00:33:37.286 --> 00:33:41.072 over it to Sam now, Sam, you're gonna take us through the work a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8611-2 00:33:41.072 --> 00:33:44.798 that we've been doing on the control strategy and at the role a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8611-3 00:33:44.798 --> 00:33:46.241 of and and intelligence. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8620-0 00:33:46.981 --> 00:33:50.681 Yes, thank you and hello everybody. It's nice to be here. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8630-0 00:33:51.281 --> 00:33:57.151 And so, first of all, if I have, I got control. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8636-0 00:33:58.951 --> 00:34:00.461 And then it's not moving on. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8649-0 00:34:05.711 --> 00:34:09.243 Well, that's fine. I don't think it's working. I can't slip a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8649-1 00:34:09.243 --> 00:34:09.891 forward on. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8657-0 00:34:13.781 --> 00:34:15.775 OK, I'm going to stop controlling cut. Oh, there we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8657-1 00:34:15.775 --> 00:34:15.891 go. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8672-0 00:34:16.551 --> 00:34:21.476 And so, yeah, just to set the set, the C and the control a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8672-1 00:34:21.476 --> 00:34:24.501 strategy for is, it sets out what? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8704-0 00:34:25.261 --> 00:34:29.091 The operational priorities are for the GLAA. We have a a lot of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8704-1 00:34:29.091 --> 00:34:32.622 information that comes through to us and we're a small but a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8704-2 00:34:32.622 --> 00:34:36.273 mighty team, but we still need to be able to prioritize what a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8704-3 00:34:36.273 --> 00:34:37.111 comes into us. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8728-0 00:34:37.711 --> 00:34:41.822 And so it it does set that long term priorities. It tells us why a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8728-1 00:34:41.822 --> 00:34:45.300 we should be focusing with regards to our intelligence a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8728-2 00:34:45.300 --> 00:34:47.641 resources and enforcement resources. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8808-0 00:34:48.421 --> 00:34:52.267 What it doesn't do is it doesn't say you won't look at this case, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8808-1 00:34:52.267 --> 00:34:55.589 but what it does is it enables us to understand what the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8808-2 00:34:55.589 --> 00:34:59.261 biggest risk and threats are to our organization and documents a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8808-3 00:34:59.261 --> 00:35:02.292 that clearly for the whole organization. So we know a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8808-4 00:35:02.292 --> 00:35:05.905 consistently how we should work together and it enables us to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8808-5 00:35:05.905 --> 00:35:09.285 say if we've got lots and lots of cases in, if there is a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8808-6 00:35:09.285 --> 00:35:12.782 competition between resources, we can say well, this is the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8808-7 00:35:12.782 --> 00:35:16.221 priority, this is the higher risk for it. So we can we can a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8808-8 00:35:16.221 --> 00:35:18.611 make those decisions really effectively. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8814-0 00:35:19.341 --> 00:35:21.801 And let me see if that is. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8827-0 00:35:23.541 --> 00:35:27.064 I think I've taken control of somebody else's computer screen, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8827-1 00:35:27.064 --> 00:35:28.631 so there is a massive delay. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8846-0 00:35:30.771 --> 00:35:34.711 So this is our control strategy. We have four key areas. The a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8846-1 00:35:34.711 --> 00:35:37.941 first one is around forced and compulsory labour. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8880-0 00:35:40.181 --> 00:35:43.883 The first one is around forced and compulsory labour in high a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8880-1 00:35:43.883 --> 00:35:47.827 risk sectors and we've got three key areas that we look at here. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8880-2 00:35:47.827 --> 00:35:51.651 The first one is agriculture, the second one is care homes and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8880-3 00:35:51.651 --> 00:35:53.411 the third one is car washers. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8918-0 00:35:54.391 --> 00:35:58.461 And the second area is harm and exploitation of shellfish a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8918-1 00:35:58.461 --> 00:36:02.672 gatherers, and we're really keen on this one at the moment, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8918-2 00:36:02.672 --> 00:36:07.094 particularly given our history. But what we want to be able to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8918-3 00:36:07.094 --> 00:36:09.621 do is really identify all the hard. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8925-0 00:36:11.081 --> 00:36:12.851 All the different areas that we can. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8956-0 00:36:13.711 --> 00:36:16.860 Uh, reach out into this sector to prevent to raise awareness, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8956-1 00:36:16.860 --> 00:36:19.959 to really understand that sector because it might be that in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8956-2 00:36:19.959 --> 00:36:23.007 future that this turns into business as usual and we have a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8956-3 00:36:23.007 --> 00:36:25.141 different approach to this going forward. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8999-0 00:36:25.761 --> 00:36:30.157 And the third one is around umbrella companies exploiting a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8999-1 00:36:30.157 --> 00:36:34.782 workers, and that obviously affects our regulated sector and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8999-2 00:36:34.782 --> 00:36:39.178 the last one is exploiting workers who come into the come a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8999-3 00:36:39.178 --> 00:36:43.803 into our sector through the seasonal worker scheme. So there a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/8999-4 00:36:43.803 --> 00:36:46.911 are four key priority areas and we have. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9030-0 00:36:49.681 --> 00:36:53.188 A process in place that will enable us to manage all the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9030-1 00:36:53.188 --> 00:36:57.127 information that comes in around these different areas and that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9030-2 00:36:57.127 --> 00:37:00.881 we can make collaborative and collective decisions regarding a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9030-3 00:37:00.881 --> 00:37:02.051 how we tackle this. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9034-0 00:37:03.281 --> 00:37:04.191 Sending a message. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9057-0 00:37:05.491 --> 00:37:08.517 I think you I don't know if you can hear. It is clearly through a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9057-1 00:37:08.517 --> 00:37:11.307 the laptop as we can in the office, but I'm sorry that was a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9057-2 00:37:11.307 --> 00:37:12.111 the sandwich fan. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9071-0 00:37:12.571 --> 00:37:18.927 I'm so yeah, we have. So we have a process in place whereby we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9071-1 00:37:18.927 --> 00:37:19.331 can. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9101-0 00:37:21.251 --> 00:37:24.717 Really hone into these different key priority areas and really a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9101-1 00:37:24.717 --> 00:37:28.183 understand what the risks and issues are and what we can do to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9101-2 00:37:28.183 --> 00:37:31.760 to tackle it from a preventative point of view, but also from an a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9101-3 00:37:31.760 --> 00:37:33.191 operational point of view. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9124-0 00:37:33.781 --> 00:37:37.139 And well, I'm not moving on to the next slide. Katherine, can a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9124-1 00:37:37.139 --> 00:37:40.660 you, if I stop control, it might be easier for you to to just do a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9124-2 00:37:40.660 --> 00:37:40.931 that. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9130-0 00:37:41.821 --> 00:37:43.751 You move on to the next slide, please, Katherine. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9132-0 00:37:47.861 --> 00:37:48.551 So. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9138-0 00:37:49.371 --> 00:37:50.581 Is that just go back one? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9145-0 00:37:52.781 --> 00:37:54.511 And come on. Oh, no, you're right, Karen. Sorry. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9173-0 00:37:56.411 --> 00:38:00.828 So the control strategy is had a fundamental influence on the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9173-1 00:38:00.828 --> 00:38:05.388 organization. It really enables a lot more collaboration across a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9173-2 00:38:05.388 --> 00:38:08.381 the teams, reduces a lot of silo working. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9250-0 00:38:08.911 --> 00:38:12.387 And it's also reduced self self tasking and increased a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9250-1 00:38:12.387 --> 00:38:16.507 consistency. So what we now have is plan owners that cover each a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9250-2 00:38:16.507 --> 00:38:20.305 of those four areas and they are operational leads who are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9250-3 00:38:20.305 --> 00:38:23.911 experts in the field and they work across teams, across a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9250-4 00:38:23.911 --> 00:38:28.031 disciplines and to pull together a a broad picture that affects a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9250-5 00:38:28.031 --> 00:38:31.958 the whole organisation about what these issues are. So it is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9250-6 00:38:31.958 --> 00:38:36.014 definitely increased consistency and that communication around a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9250-7 00:38:36.014 --> 00:38:39.941 how we, how we tackle some of the issues that we're finding. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9263-0 00:38:40.251 --> 00:38:43.358 And and you know, we've had some really good innovative ideas a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9263-1 00:38:43.358 --> 00:38:44.611 coming from that as well. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9308-0 00:38:45.391 --> 00:38:48.305 And we have much better prioritization. As I mentioned a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9308-1 00:38:48.305 --> 00:38:51.538 earlier, we are a small but mighty team and we have a lot of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9308-2 00:38:51.538 --> 00:38:54.876 information coming into us. So being able to pick out and also a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9308-3 00:38:54.876 --> 00:38:58.162 to explain to you know our key partners that actually this is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9308-4 00:38:58.162 --> 00:39:01.501 the area that we need to focus on has been really fundamental. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9356-0 00:39:02.241 --> 00:39:06.520 And and we have much deeper and relevant insights now having our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9356-1 00:39:06.520 --> 00:39:10.799 plan owners in place has really, really helped highlight some of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9356-2 00:39:10.799 --> 00:39:14.749 the nuances in some of the issues that we've found and that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9356-3 00:39:14.749 --> 00:39:18.568 has massively enabled our decision making. If we can move a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9356-4 00:39:18.568 --> 00:39:19.951 on, please Katherine. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9363-0 00:39:21.931 --> 00:39:25.001 So in practice this is a. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9439-0 00:39:25.911 --> 00:39:28.666 A big process in our organization and it it does a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9439-1 00:39:28.666 --> 00:39:32.097 drive drive the operational side and so we have our analysts a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9439-2 00:39:32.097 --> 00:39:35.696 involved in this, developing our intelligence overview and I'll a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9439-3 00:39:35.696 --> 00:39:38.733 come on later about why intelligence is so important. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9439-4 00:39:38.733 --> 00:39:42.108 But if you just bear in mind at the minute that this is the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9439-5 00:39:42.108 --> 00:39:44.920 first point. So as the intelligence comes in, our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9439-6 00:39:44.920 --> 00:39:48.519 analysts will be able to analyze it and give a picture of where a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9439-7 00:39:48.519 --> 00:39:52.119 we are with these key priority areas and also identify if there a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9439-8 00:39:52.119 --> 00:39:55.381 are any emerging trends that we need to start looking at. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9474-0 00:39:56.021 --> 00:40:00.246 And and they will develop that into a product that the plan a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9474-1 00:40:00.246 --> 00:40:04.682 owners can then use to look at how they need to flex and react a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9474-2 00:40:04.682 --> 00:40:09.118 and respond to those issues or new trends that might have come a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9474-3 00:40:09.118 --> 00:40:11.161 in ready for the next period. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9548-0 00:40:11.981 --> 00:40:15.907 We have a lot of engagement where we're having pre meets and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9548-1 00:40:15.907 --> 00:40:19.899 talking about what gaps we need to fill and how we prioritize a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9548-2 00:40:19.899 --> 00:40:23.890 some of that work and then we have a monthly task in meeting. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9548-3 00:40:23.890 --> 00:40:27.817 So all the work that goes on before it lands at that tasking a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9548-4 00:40:27.817 --> 00:40:31.421 meeting where we have a multidisciplinary team and that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9548-5 00:40:31.421 --> 00:40:35.606 workflow flows through. So we're able to identify what resources a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9548-6 00:40:35.606 --> 00:40:39.597 we need. We can shift people around and we can make decisions a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9548-7 00:40:39.597 --> 00:40:43.331 on on what activities we need to do, where, when and how. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9632-0 00:40:43.771 --> 00:40:46.860 But ultimately, what's what's really effective about this a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9632-1 00:40:46.860 --> 00:40:50.163 control strategy and tasking process is that we can then look a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9632-2 00:40:50.163 --> 00:40:53.466 back. So where we've requested resources and where we've done a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9632-3 00:40:53.466 --> 00:40:56.768 delivered some activity in the follow up meeting. We can then a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9632-4 00:40:56.768 --> 00:41:00.071 look at well what was effective, what worked, what didn't and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9632-5 00:41:00.071 --> 00:41:03.054 having all of that information puts us in a really good a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9632-6 00:41:03.054 --> 00:41:06.303 position. We are expanding our own knowledge, which again in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9632-7 00:41:06.303 --> 00:41:09.659 turn will assist our partners, you know cause we can share all a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9632-8 00:41:09.659 --> 00:41:12.696 that knowledge back, our lessons learned and what's been a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9632-9 00:41:12.696 --> 00:41:14.081 effective and what hasn't. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9637-0 00:41:14.581 --> 00:41:16.311 And next slide please. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9690-0 00:41:18.581 --> 00:41:22.406 So why we've seen this come to life? Uh, we've been doing some a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9690-1 00:41:22.406 --> 00:41:26.170 work around the seasonal worker scheme and this is one of the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9690-2 00:41:26.170 --> 00:41:29.874 innovative ideas that have come out looking at how we can do a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9690-3 00:41:29.874 --> 00:41:33.396 meet and greets so we can do some really early prevention a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9690-4 00:41:33.396 --> 00:41:36.796 initiatives to help people who've come in on the scheme a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9690-5 00:41:36.796 --> 00:41:39.711 look at, you know, what their role, what their. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9740-0 00:41:41.781 --> 00:41:45.330 What's it rights are and what they need to look out for, how a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9740-1 00:41:45.330 --> 00:41:48.938 they can be supported and who they need to contact. We've got a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9740-2 00:41:48.938 --> 00:41:52.605 operational names which really helps with when we're doing our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9740-3 00:41:52.605 --> 00:41:56.329 intelligence, we're able to see what intelligence we've got per a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9740-4 00:41:56.329 --> 00:41:59.763 threat area. So again, we're have a much broader knowledge a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9740-5 00:41:59.763 --> 00:42:02.731 base and again makes it much easier to to analyze. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9810-0 00:42:03.751 --> 00:42:07.091 We've been tasking out subject profiles, so we've got a lot a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9810-1 00:42:07.091 --> 00:42:10.598 better analytical support and products on that, which again in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9810-2 00:42:10.598 --> 00:42:13.883 terms really helps with the decision making and helps with a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9810-3 00:42:13.883 --> 00:42:16.499 our understanding and positioning around these a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9810-4 00:42:16.499 --> 00:42:19.784 threats. And again, as I've mentioned, being able to share a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9810-5 00:42:19.784 --> 00:42:23.403 that information and empower the partners that we work with with a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9810-6 00:42:23.403 --> 00:42:26.854 the knowledge that we have has been, you know it's it's now a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9810-7 00:42:26.854 --> 00:42:27.801 real opportunity. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9837-0 00:42:29.181 --> 00:42:32.809 That ultimately this control strategy, it pushed us into a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9837-1 00:42:32.809 --> 00:42:36.621 much greater Intel led space than we've been before. So those a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9837-2 00:42:36.621 --> 00:42:39.881 processes are really made us that much more dynamic. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9876-0 00:42:40.691 --> 00:42:44.477 And I've mentioned Intel before about the importance of it, but a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9876-1 00:42:44.477 --> 00:42:48.085 that really is the first point in all of this happening. The a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9876-2 00:42:48.085 --> 00:42:51.339 case study that earn went through that came from Intel a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9876-3 00:42:51.339 --> 00:42:54.947 that came into us and that is the first part of things going a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9876-4 00:42:54.947 --> 00:42:55.421 forward. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9883-0 00:42:56.081 --> 00:42:58.141 So just moving on, please, Katherine. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9961-0 00:43:00.101 --> 00:43:03.463 So the control structure as I mentioned before, it really a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9961-1 00:43:03.463 --> 00:43:07.115 assists with the decision making how we resource our allocate, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9961-2 00:43:07.115 --> 00:43:10.768 how we allocate our different resources, how we understand how a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9961-3 00:43:10.768 --> 00:43:14.072 much things cost, what's the benefit of you know kind of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9961-4 00:43:14.072 --> 00:43:17.377 delivering an STRO against prevention activity that is a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9961-5 00:43:17.377 --> 00:43:21.203 position that we are starting to get in to be able to articulate. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9961-6 00:43:21.203 --> 00:43:24.566 And again, having those much more collaborative decisions a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9961-7 00:43:24.566 --> 00:43:27.986 going forward about where we need to put our resources and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9961-8 00:43:27.986 --> 00:43:31.291 and what activity is gonna get the best for our victims. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9965-0 00:43:31.521 --> 00:43:32.801 And I'll workers. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/9971-0 00:43:33.921 --> 00:43:35.461 At next slide, please, Katherine. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10013-0 00:43:37.161 --> 00:43:40.917 So good intelligence absolutely matters. As I've mentioned a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10013-1 00:43:40.917 --> 00:43:44.992 numerous Times Now, that is the first point that is usually the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10013-2 00:43:44.992 --> 00:43:49.003 bit that starts off any activity that we've got and we rely on a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10013-3 00:43:49.003 --> 00:43:53.014 it. So we can we know where to go. We know where to target our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10013-4 00:43:53.014 --> 00:43:53.651 resources. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10021-0 00:43:55.171 --> 00:43:58.681 We have quite a law enforcement. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10024-0 00:43:59.891 --> 00:44:00.511 Heavy. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10074-0 00:44:01.471 --> 00:44:04.379 Resource structure and lots of people in our organisation a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10074-1 00:44:04.379 --> 00:44:07.589 understand what intelligence is and what information is and how a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10074-2 00:44:07.589 --> 00:44:10.748 it needs to look and what we do with it. But I appreciate that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10074-3 00:44:10.748 --> 00:44:13.657 not everybody does and I've worked with lots of different a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10074-4 00:44:13.657 --> 00:44:16.816 organizations in my time here and you know, lots of people are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10074-5 00:44:16.816 --> 00:44:19.825 like, well, I don't. I don't know what to tell you. I don't a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10074-6 00:44:19.825 --> 00:44:21.781 know how to give you that information. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10156-0 00:44:22.891 --> 00:44:26.054 But fundamentally, the information to make it really a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10156-1 00:44:26.054 --> 00:44:29.813 good and actionable for us so we can take those next steps and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10156-2 00:44:29.813 --> 00:44:33.633 take it into uh, take it towards some outcomes, we need to know a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10156-3 00:44:33.633 --> 00:44:37.214 who you're talking about. We need to know who else knows so a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10156-4 00:44:37.214 --> 00:44:40.675 we can protect the source of that information. We need to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10156-5 00:44:40.675 --> 00:44:44.256 know what's specifically has raised those concerns for you. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10156-6 00:44:44.256 --> 00:44:48.016 What is it that you want us to know that you think that we can a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10156-7 00:44:48.016 --> 00:44:51.239 deal with? And I I'd ask you there to think about the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10156-8 00:44:51.239 --> 00:44:54.581 offences that we have in the regulated sector but also. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10183-0 00:44:54.701 --> 00:44:58.053 Where it's forced and compulsory labour. So what specifically in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10183-1 00:44:58.053 --> 00:45:01.405 those categories is it that you want us to look at? Where did it a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10183-2 00:45:01.405 --> 00:45:04.035 happen? Do you have any addresses? Do you have any a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10183-3 00:45:04.035 --> 00:45:04.551 locations? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10259-0 00:45:05.221 --> 00:45:08.475 How did it happen? You know, what was it that actually a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10259-1 00:45:08.475 --> 00:45:11.670 physically caught your attention? What were you doing a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10259-2 00:45:11.670 --> 00:45:15.516 for you to uncover this and why do you think it's happening? Why a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10259-3 00:45:15.516 --> 00:45:18.830 do you think you know what you're seeing or what you're a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10259-4 00:45:18.830 --> 00:45:22.558 hearing is occurring so as much information as possible and we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10259-5 00:45:22.558 --> 00:45:26.286 can protect you as a source. So we're never gonna say ohh. You a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10259-6 00:45:26.286 --> 00:45:30.191 know, Julia rung up and she told us this it, you know, that's not a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10259-7 00:45:30.191 --> 00:45:33.800 how it operates at all. And so you can send that information a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10259-8 00:45:33.800 --> 00:45:35.931 and we'll deal with it sensitively. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10279-0 00:45:36.331 --> 00:45:39.581 And, but it's really important that you put that that level of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10279-1 00:45:39.581 --> 00:45:42.935 information in there, that level of detail. So we can take those a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10279-2 00:45:42.935 --> 00:45:43.761 proactive steps. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10323-0 00:45:45.221 --> 00:45:48.518 But as I said, I know that not everybody understands what a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10323-1 00:45:48.518 --> 00:45:51.985 intelligence is that we have updated our website recently to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10323-2 00:45:51.985 --> 00:45:55.681 capture some of this information and help give a little bit more a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10323-3 00:45:55.681 --> 00:45:59.262 guidance on what is useful to us and how you can help us to to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10323-4 00:45:59.262 --> 00:46:01.991 help the victims and workers that we deal with. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10334-0 00:46:02.611 --> 00:46:06.439 And we've also just developed 6 intelligence explainer videos a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10334-1 00:46:06.439 --> 00:46:07.181 which cover. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10424-0 00:46:07.961 --> 00:46:11.362 Lots of different topics about what intelligence is, what our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10424-1 00:46:11.362 --> 00:46:14.982 remit is, how you should report. You know, some of the things you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10424-2 00:46:14.982 --> 00:46:18.329 should be looking out for and they will be uploaded onto our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10424-3 00:46:18.329 --> 00:46:21.455 website soon and you can download them. You can use them a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10424-4 00:46:21.455 --> 00:46:25.021 in inductions. You can have them on your own website and you can a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10424-5 00:46:25.021 --> 00:46:28.477 do what you like with them. It just really helps you know what a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10424-6 00:46:28.477 --> 00:46:31.659 to look out for and how to report to it. So I do have one a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10424-7 00:46:31.659 --> 00:46:34.950 of those videos that I would like to show you. It's a short a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10424-8 00:46:34.950 --> 00:46:38.351 one. It's just under 3 minutes and I'm really hopeful that it a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10424-9 00:46:38.351 --> 00:46:38.681 plays. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10427-0 00:46:39.441 --> 00:46:40.151 And. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10442-0 00:46:44.531 --> 00:46:48.593 I think, Katherine, you might need to change the setting on a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10442-1 00:46:48.593 --> 00:46:50.421 teams to be using computer. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10444-0 00:46:51.691 --> 00:46:52.561 Sounds. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10482-0 00:46:52.971 --> 00:46:56.529 Sam, can I suggest I'm just a bit concerned about time. Could a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10450-0 00:46:54.081 --> 00:46:54.321 Yep. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10459-0 00:46:56.331 --> 00:46:56.811 OK. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10482-1 00:46:56.529 --> 00:47:00.031 we could we come back to the video at the end once we've got a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10470-0 00:46:59.871 --> 00:47:00.421 Yeah, sure. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10482-2 00:47:00.031 --> 00:47:02.901 what once we've got it working, would that be OK? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10481-0 00:47:02.931 --> 00:47:03.671 Yeah, sure, yeah. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10515-0 00:47:03.901 --> 00:47:07.696 Yeah. Yeah. OK. Alright. Thank you. So we haven't, we haven't a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10515-1 00:47:07.696 --> 00:47:11.246 had any questions but I are there does if anybody has got a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10515-2 00:47:11.246 --> 00:47:14.919 any questions please do just drop them in in the chat. Sam, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10515-3 00:47:14.919 --> 00:47:17.551 is there anything you want to conclude by? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10546-0 00:47:19.711 --> 00:47:22.660 No, I think as I say, we will be shouting loud and proud about a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10546-1 00:47:22.660 --> 00:47:25.703 these videos and pleased to use them. And if you've got any, you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10546-2 00:47:25.703 --> 00:47:28.418 know, concerns or anything, please do get in touch. It's, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10546-3 00:47:28.418 --> 00:47:30.151 it's your intelligence that matters. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10625-0 00:47:30.851 --> 00:47:35.533 Yeah, OK. I mean, that's the big take away for me here is is, is, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10625-1 00:47:35.533 --> 00:47:39.861 is we really wanna work on uh, work work on the intelligence a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10625-2 00:47:39.861 --> 00:47:43.834 that's provided. But to make it actionable we need real a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10625-3 00:47:43.834 --> 00:47:47.736 specifics to help to help provide the starting for our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10625-4 00:47:47.736 --> 00:47:52.347 actions and so thank Sam. Thank you very much. The videos are on a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10625-5 00:47:52.347 --> 00:47:56.888 the GLAA website or will be on the GLA website. Yeah there will a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10616-0 00:47:54.301 --> 00:47:56.301 There will be seeing. Yeah. Not quite yet. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10625-6 00:47:56.888 --> 00:48:00.081 be yeah they will be on the GLA website. OK. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10653-0 00:48:01.161 --> 00:48:05.666 Thanks. Umm, we just actually just had a a message in from a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10653-1 00:48:05.666 --> 00:48:10.247 Peter. UM, is there anything being done to establish secure a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10653-2 00:48:10.247 --> 00:48:11.851 reporting strategies? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10670-0 00:48:12.451 --> 00:48:16.750 And I not sharing immigration status information with the Home a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10670-1 00:48:16.750 --> 00:48:19.821 Office to encourage workers to come forward. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10675-0 00:48:20.991 --> 00:48:22.121 That we have. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10699-0 00:48:24.711 --> 00:48:29.158 We if somebody reports into it and we identify our worker or a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10699-1 00:48:29.158 --> 00:48:33.605 victim and they their status, you know they are, they are here a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10699-2 00:48:33.605 --> 00:48:34.311 illegally. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10726-0 00:48:35.101 --> 00:48:39.157 We don't report back and say this person is here illegally, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10726-1 00:48:39.157 --> 00:48:43.282 we don't share those victim details with immigration at all. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10726-2 00:48:43.282 --> 00:48:47.001 We will share intelligence that would say potentially. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10756-0 00:48:47.251 --> 00:48:52.191 And you know, this organization is hiring illegal workers, but a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10756-1 00:48:52.191 --> 00:48:56.817 absolutely we are not saying this person is is moving, you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10756-2 00:48:56.817 --> 00:49:00.581 know is here illegally. We we we don't do that. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10814-0 00:49:01.301 --> 00:49:04.903 OK, that's helpful. Thank you very much, Sam. OK. Alright. So a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10814-1 00:49:04.903 --> 00:49:08.505 as to say if people would like to leave any further questions a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10814-2 00:49:08.505 --> 00:49:11.874 that would be great. Sam. Thank you very much. And I know a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10814-3 00:49:11.874 --> 00:49:15.418 there's huge amount of work being done in in intelligence to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10814-4 00:49:15.418 --> 00:49:18.846 move us into a more effective place and I think it's quite a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10814-5 00:49:18.846 --> 00:49:22.332 exciting. So thank you for your work and thank you for your a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10814-6 00:49:22.332 --> 00:49:22.971 teams work. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10828-0 00:49:23.551 --> 00:49:28.888 And I just want to now introduce Keith if if I, if I may, Keith. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10828-1 00:49:28.888 --> 00:49:29.381 Hello. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10831-0 00:49:31.441 --> 00:49:32.411 Hello Julia. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10870-0 00:49:32.581 --> 00:49:36.545 Hi. Hi. And we're just I just want to be aware of of of time a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10870-1 00:49:36.545 --> 00:49:40.447 little bit and we have got a little bit of wiggle room at the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10870-2 00:49:40.447 --> 00:49:44.349 end. But if if if if we can just keep it to the point, I'd be a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10870-3 00:49:44.349 --> 00:49:46.741 really grateful. Thank you very much. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10953-0 00:49:47.601 --> 00:49:51.638 Yes, absolutely and good, good morning everyone. I'm so I I'm. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10953-1 00:49:51.638 --> 00:49:55.290 I'm really pleased to be speaking here today to you all. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10953-2 00:49:55.290 --> 00:49:58.879 My thanks GLAA for the introduction. It's a fascinating a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10953-3 00:49:58.879 --> 00:50:02.660 time for our labour market coming only a month or so after a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10953-4 00:50:02.660 --> 00:50:06.697 the back to work budget. We've got some significant challenges a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10953-5 00:50:06.697 --> 00:50:10.157 in the UK to balance like driving UK growth, but also a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10953-6 00:50:10.157 --> 00:50:14.195 balancing the challenge of of of high vacancies in activity in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10953-7 00:50:14.195 --> 00:50:17.911 the unique sort of challenges to work rights that this is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/10953-8 00:50:17.911 --> 00:50:20.411 bringing about as we've already heard. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11001-0 00:50:20.501 --> 00:50:23.305 For me, and in terms of international recruitment being a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11001-1 00:50:23.305 --> 00:50:26.060 wrong and I have a broader interest in labour markets, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11001-2 00:50:26.060 --> 00:50:28.515 Julia has done the introductions. I won't repeat a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11001-3 00:50:28.515 --> 00:50:31.169 that. I've got a broader introduction in interest in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11001-4 00:50:31.169 --> 00:50:34.174 labour markets, including I was on the ministerial advisory a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11001-5 00:50:34.174 --> 00:50:37.130 panel to the Taylor Review and I've done a number of other a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11001-6 00:50:37.130 --> 00:50:37.681 things too. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11078-0 00:50:39.211 --> 00:50:42.951 So what's attack? What's the issue that jobs aware are here a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11078-1 00:50:42.951 --> 00:50:46.754 to to tackle? Well, our, our labour market and world of work a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11078-2 00:50:46.754 --> 00:50:50.557 is changing. Uh, we're seeing an advancement of the platform a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11078-3 00:50:50.557 --> 00:50:54.547 isation of the jobs markets and more digital coming into to the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11078-4 00:50:54.547 --> 00:50:58.101 supply chains. That's doing a number of things like it's a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11078-5 00:50:58.101 --> 00:51:01.530 increasing the threat of offshoring for intermediaries a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11078-6 00:51:01.530 --> 00:51:05.333 like recruitment agencies, for example. Now that recruitment a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11078-7 00:51:05.333 --> 00:51:09.136 agencies can hire completely digitally what's the future for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11078-8 00:51:09.136 --> 00:51:10.321 some virtual style. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11138-0 00:51:10.521 --> 00:51:14.309 Recruitment operators that that is really gonna challenge the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11138-1 00:51:14.309 --> 00:51:17.975 way we think about enforcement and and regulation. So we're a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11138-2 00:51:17.975 --> 00:51:21.947 really we're really tackling the the issue of a changing dynamic a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11138-3 00:51:21.947 --> 00:51:25.246 labour market in particular focusing quite heavily on a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11138-4 00:51:25.246 --> 00:51:28.485 online. There was recent research published by Ofcom a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11138-5 00:51:28.485 --> 00:51:32.212 ahead of the online safety bill which showed that off the 43 a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11138-6 00:51:32.212 --> 00:51:32.701 million. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11173-0 00:51:33.621 --> 00:51:37.248 And UK adults who interact online, as many as what almost a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11173-1 00:51:37.248 --> 00:51:40.875 one in three. So 30% had declared as part of the research a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11173-2 00:51:40.875 --> 00:51:44.690 that they had experienced some kind of fake employment scam, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11173-3 00:51:44.690 --> 00:51:46.191 which is, which is huge. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11249-0 00:51:48.831 --> 00:51:52.662 The rise in recruitment scams is is, I think, for a number of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11249-1 00:51:52.662 --> 00:51:56.432 reasons. We're seeing far more digital journeys now, so it's a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11249-2 00:51:56.432 --> 00:51:59.521 easier to lure people in. Ian talked about the uh a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11249-3 00:51:59.521 --> 00:52:03.106 international recruitment case study in particular, we're a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11249-4 00:52:03.106 --> 00:52:06.752 seeing a lot of international recruitment type scams where a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11249-5 00:52:06.752 --> 00:52:10.336 people these days are expecting to be hired and onboarded a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11249-6 00:52:10.336 --> 00:52:13.797 digitally, which is making it easier for fraudsters and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11249-7 00:52:13.797 --> 00:52:17.257 scammers to to perpetrate these sorts of these sorts of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11249-8 00:52:17.257 --> 00:52:18.061 misdemeanors. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11304-0 00:52:18.801 --> 00:52:21.794 In terms of the the the uh online recruitment issues a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11304-1 00:52:21.794 --> 00:52:25.013 themselves, they actually facilitate a whole broad range a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11304-2 00:52:25.013 --> 00:52:28.628 of labour market abuses. So at one level you've got things like a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11304-3 00:52:28.628 --> 00:52:31.847 ID theft, you know the the simple job seeker thinks they a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11304-4 00:52:31.847 --> 00:52:35.292 need to share their personal details and bank details to get a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11304-5 00:52:35.292 --> 00:52:38.568 a job. You've got lots of money, job seekers, charged for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11304-6 00:52:38.568 --> 00:52:39.641 training equipment. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11372-0 00:52:40.911 --> 00:52:44.909 And various other things like background checks, but also we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11372-1 00:52:44.909 --> 00:52:48.514 see things like money laundering, people being tricked a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11372-2 00:52:48.514 --> 00:52:52.578 into fake recruitment, sorry, fake employment, which actually a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11372-3 00:52:52.578 --> 00:52:56.839 is a form of money laundering as they move money around and also a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11372-4 00:52:56.839 --> 00:53:00.444 modern slavery. We do see the online job adverts are a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11372-5 00:53:00.444 --> 00:53:04.508 facilitator into modern slavery as as well. So this is really a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11372-6 00:53:04.508 --> 00:53:08.375 the the sort of centre to our our, our our journey and the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11372-7 00:53:08.375 --> 00:53:10.211 issues that we are tackling. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11447-0 00:53:10.351 --> 00:53:14.963 So, so who are jobs aware then? And what are we doing about this a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11447-1 00:53:14.963 --> 00:53:18.299 rise in in, in online recruitment scams? So on a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11447-2 00:53:18.299 --> 00:53:22.841 Jobsaware was originally set up by the Metropolitan Police as a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11447-3 00:53:22.841 --> 00:53:27.312 as a fraud forum to tackle the growing issue of criminality in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11447-4 00:53:27.312 --> 00:53:31.073 recruitment supply chains because of its success. It a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11447-5 00:53:31.073 --> 00:53:35.544 ultimately became a community interest company and set out and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11447-6 00:53:35.544 --> 00:53:39.731 its own direction with cross government support, including a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11447-7 00:53:39.731 --> 00:53:40.441 HMRC, DBT. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11500-0 00:53:40.521 --> 00:53:44.384 As they are now and other government departments, uh, we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11500-1 00:53:44.384 --> 00:53:48.315 have helped over 3,000,000 workers and work seekers since a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11500-2 00:53:48.315 --> 00:53:52.517 we started over over 10 years ago and that's that scaling all a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11500-3 00:53:52.517 --> 00:53:56.651 the time. One of our claims to fame is we were recognised as a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11500-4 00:53:56.651 --> 00:54:00.921 community leaders at Buckingham Palace a few years ago. By the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11500-5 00:54:00.921 --> 00:54:02.751 late Her Majesty the Queen. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11521-0 00:54:04.591 --> 00:54:07.849 So specifically, then what? What? What sort of can you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11521-1 00:54:07.849 --> 00:54:11.404 expect from from? From jobs? Where, who, who, who are they? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11521-2 00:54:11.404 --> 00:54:11.701 Well. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11554-0 00:54:12.411 --> 00:54:16.823 What jobs aware as primarily uh doing is trying to reach through a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11554-1 00:54:16.823 --> 00:54:20.896 supply chains to help work seekers and workers in in in non a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11554-2 00:54:20.896 --> 00:54:23.951 permanent work, particularly through online. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11627-0 00:54:25.621 --> 00:54:30.145 Online portals, so currently every day jobs aware appears on a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11627-1 00:54:30.145 --> 00:54:34.743 nearly half a million online job adverts that that's there so a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11627-2 00:54:34.743 --> 00:54:39.415 that any work seeker applying for those jobs can get free help a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11627-3 00:54:39.415 --> 00:54:44.162 and advice. We currently appear on on over 10,000 weekly worker a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11627-4 00:54:44.162 --> 00:54:47.722 pay slips via a payment intermediary. Companies a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11627-5 00:54:47.722 --> 00:54:52.246 promoting free help and advice to workers. And we're on over a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11627-6 00:54:52.246 --> 00:54:54.471 250 recruitment platforms. So. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11654-0 00:54:54.581 --> 00:54:57.975 Predominantly recruitment agencies, as well as a few other a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11654-1 00:54:57.975 --> 00:55:01.714 types of intermediaries. All of that is to is to is to share the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11654-2 00:55:01.714 --> 00:55:04.131 message to workers and work seekers that. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11665-0 00:55:05.011 --> 00:55:08.781 Jobs aware is a free place for them to get to help and advice. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11738-0 00:55:10.501 --> 00:55:14.302 We exist in the intersection between uh workers, businesses a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11738-1 00:55:14.302 --> 00:55:18.357 and UK government, so we we work very closely with all three of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11738-2 00:55:18.357 --> 00:55:22.413 those groups to help develop the work that we we do our work of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11738-3 00:55:22.413 --> 00:55:25.897 always platform, which is essentially the website that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11738-4 00:55:25.897 --> 00:55:29.826 that hears from workers every day about labour market abuses, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11738-5 00:55:29.826 --> 00:55:33.944 whether that's a fake job advert they've applied for non payment a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11738-6 00:55:33.944 --> 00:55:37.112 by recruitment agencies, challenges they might be a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11738-7 00:55:37.112 --> 00:55:40.661 experiencing throughout the supply chain, they workers. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11790-0 00:55:40.741 --> 00:55:44.357 Use the site to also report those suspected abuses, and then a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11790-1 00:55:44.357 --> 00:55:48.092 and then jobs aware will triage those reports, share them with a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11790-2 00:55:48.092 --> 00:55:51.649 the appropriate enforcement agency if there is one. Or, for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11790-3 00:55:51.649 --> 00:55:54.909 example, take down fake job adverts online via the job a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11790-4 00:55:54.909 --> 00:55:58.348 boards and work with trading standards. Police and others a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11790-5 00:55:58.348 --> 00:55:59.771 where where appropriate. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11883-0 00:56:00.781 --> 00:56:04.271 The business part of the program we we partner with businesses a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11883-1 00:56:04.271 --> 00:56:07.484 and that's so that end Hirers can ensure their own supply a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11883-2 00:56:07.484 --> 00:56:11.029 chains are partnered with jobs aware and the purpose of that is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11883-3 00:56:11.029 --> 00:56:14.242 that an organization like a bank can make sure that every a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11883-4 00:56:14.242 --> 00:56:17.843 recruitment agency is partnered with Jobs Aware which is free so a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11883-5 00:56:17.843 --> 00:56:20.834 that any issues that they're workers work seekers are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11883-6 00:56:20.834 --> 00:56:24.103 experiencing in that supply chain gets reported through to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11883-7 00:56:24.103 --> 00:56:27.260 an independent party and essentially that bank then gets a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11883-8 00:56:27.260 --> 00:56:30.916 a sort of litmus test as to sort of how ethical their recruitment a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11883-9 00:56:30.916 --> 00:56:32.191 agency supply chain is. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11908-0 00:56:33.471 --> 00:56:37.025 Many hires used jobs aware as a way of just promoting free help a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11908-1 00:56:37.025 --> 00:56:40.080 and advice to their non employees or their their wider a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11908-2 00:56:40.080 --> 00:56:41.691 workers, if that makes sense. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11976-0 00:56:43.021 --> 00:56:47.210 But then you're saying that that that, that intelligence and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11976-1 00:56:47.210 --> 00:56:51.605 workers and working closely with businesses, we have formed a a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11976-2 00:56:51.605 --> 00:56:55.313 new piece of work called collective regulation, which a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11976-3 00:56:55.313 --> 00:56:59.227 identifies the threats through work of voice and then Co a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11976-4 00:56:59.227 --> 00:57:03.554 develop standards with industry and regulators to help address a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11976-5 00:57:03.554 --> 00:57:07.537 issues in the evolving labour market. Our example, a very a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11976-6 00:57:07.537 --> 00:57:11.726 clear example of this which is coming up is the launch of an a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/11976-7 00:57:11.726 --> 00:57:13.031 online recruitment. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12058-0 00:57:13.771 --> 00:57:17.368 Newcastle credited scheme that is launching in line with the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12058-1 00:57:17.368 --> 00:57:21.084 online safety bill to have job boards uh raise their standards a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12058-2 00:57:21.084 --> 00:57:24.800 in terms of monitoring online job adverts. And that's just one a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12058-3 00:57:24.800 --> 00:57:28.339 example. That's a pilot scheme in online recruitment. We're a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12058-4 00:57:28.339 --> 00:57:31.759 currently working with the umbrella sector or the payment a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12058-5 00:57:31.759 --> 00:57:35.416 intermediary sector modelling agencies and many more as well, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12058-6 00:57:35.416 --> 00:57:38.896 using collective regulation as an academic model, which is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12058-7 00:57:38.896 --> 00:57:42.199 which is code chaired by Professor from Open University a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12058-8 00:57:42.199 --> 00:57:43.261 to take in inputs. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12087-0 00:57:43.451 --> 00:57:47.294 Around business worker and sort of government perspectives to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12087-1 00:57:47.294 --> 00:57:51.137 then use the model to develop and propose uh schemes that are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12087-2 00:57:51.137 --> 00:57:54.361 most relevant for those parts of the labour market. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12166-0 00:57:56.201 --> 00:57:59.653 In terms of referrals and reports then and sort of what a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12166-1 00:57:59.653 --> 00:58:03.043 jobs aware do on a more day-to-day basis. So Jobsaware a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12166-2 00:58:03.043 --> 00:58:06.618 receives reports daily from workers and work seekers on a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12166-3 00:58:06.618 --> 00:58:10.502 range of issues. On average we received between 5:00 and 10:00 a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12166-4 00:58:10.502 --> 00:58:14.324 reports a day this year so far. Year to date we've seen a 52% a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12166-5 00:58:14.324 --> 00:58:18.269 increase in reports compared to last year. So it's it's been an a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12166-6 00:58:18.269 --> 00:58:21.721 incredibly busy first sort of four months those reports a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12166-7 00:58:21.721 --> 00:58:25.419 everybody everybody who reports a jobs aware gets free help a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12166-8 00:58:25.419 --> 00:58:26.591 advice in response. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12233-0 00:58:26.981 --> 00:58:30.403 Ideally, the more people who come to us before the issue has a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12233-1 00:58:30.403 --> 00:58:33.882 happened, we can prevent before it starts, particularly where a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12233-2 00:58:33.882 --> 00:58:36.911 it's around. Questions of legitimacy with recruitment a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12233-3 00:58:36.911 --> 00:58:40.390 agencies or job boards, or the type of paperwork they've been a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12233-4 00:58:40.390 --> 00:58:43.868 issued, we we we want to get to a stage in future where we're a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12233-5 00:58:43.868 --> 00:58:47.010 able to prevent more than the than the than sort of use a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12233-6 00:58:47.010 --> 00:58:50.433 enforcement agencies because people are coming to us earlier a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12233-7 00:58:50.433 --> 00:58:51.331 in that process. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12312-0 00:58:52.151 --> 00:58:55.575 But as well as getting a free response from jobs aware jobs a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12312-1 00:58:55.575 --> 00:58:58.829 aware then where there is a regulator, then triage those a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12312-2 00:58:58.829 --> 00:59:02.425 reports and share them with with regulators. And I've got some a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12312-3 00:59:02.425 --> 00:59:06.079 statistics a bit later on as an example of that, so that it's a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12312-4 00:59:06.079 --> 00:59:09.503 stream of intelligence going into regulators. In some cases a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12312-5 00:59:09.503 --> 00:59:13.100 there aren't regulators. So if we're talking about online fake a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12312-6 00:59:13.100 --> 00:59:16.582 job adverts for example, or other parts of the labour market a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12312-7 00:59:16.582 --> 00:59:20.349 where there isn't an enforcement agency, we will then try trading a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12312-8 00:59:20.349 --> 00:59:22.861 standards. Perhaps police. We've had a few. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12331-0 00:59:23.131 --> 00:59:26.573 Trading standards and police prosecutions over the years in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12331-1 00:59:26.573 --> 00:59:29.786 parts of labour market where enforcement agencies don't a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12331-2 00:59:29.786 --> 00:59:30.131 exist. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12351-0 00:59:31.391 --> 00:59:35.164 And Jobs aware referrals of potential cases around 1 slavery a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12351-1 00:59:35.164 --> 00:59:38.691 to the GLAA have also increased this year, year to date. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12424-0 00:59:40.711 --> 00:59:44.252 Just a little more than around that, that intersection of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12424-1 00:59:44.252 --> 00:59:48.099 worker, business, regulator and collective regulation. This is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12424-2 00:59:48.099 --> 00:59:51.946 this is a visual example of how how it works. So what we do is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12424-3 00:59:51.946 --> 00:59:55.366 we've segregated the labour market or the non permanent a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12424-4 00:59:55.366 --> 00:59:58.786 labour market into lots of component parts like the gig a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12424-5 00:59:58.786 --> 01:00:02.511 economy would be a good example where the the there's not as a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12424-6 01:00:02.511 --> 01:00:05.747 much regulation. So we'd segregated into gig economy a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12424-7 01:00:05.747 --> 01:00:09.655 payment intermediary recruitment agencies so on and so forth we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12424-8 01:00:09.655 --> 01:00:09.961 then. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12502-0 01:00:10.181 --> 01:00:13.742 That we then bring in all of the inputs and workers about the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12502-1 01:00:13.742 --> 01:00:17.131 threats that they are facing, what's happening to them. We a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12502-2 01:00:17.131 --> 01:00:20.577 then measure the measure, the the maturity of the regulator a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12502-3 01:00:20.577 --> 01:00:23.851 and what I say when I say that what I mean is in the gig a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12502-4 01:00:23.851 --> 01:00:27.297 economy it's it's very low because there isn't a regulator. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12502-5 01:00:27.297 --> 01:00:30.973 So it's more about whether there is a regulator rather than the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12502-6 01:00:30.973 --> 01:00:34.707 actual actions of the regulator. We then take on board the views a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12502-7 01:00:34.707 --> 01:00:38.096 of business and we create industry steering committees who a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12502-8 01:00:38.096 --> 01:00:40.451 then engage on the challenges they face. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12582-0 01:00:40.551 --> 01:00:44.255 Their responses to the threats and how the academic side of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12582-1 01:00:44.255 --> 01:00:48.205 collective regulation works is that those three voices bring us a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12582-2 01:00:48.205 --> 01:00:51.971 to a balanced middle or intend to, and a proposal on what is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12582-3 01:00:51.971 --> 01:00:55.922 the best way forward to improve standards in each subset of the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12582-4 01:00:55.922 --> 01:00:59.564 labour market. It was originally conceived and agreed with a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12582-5 01:00:59.564 --> 01:01:03.515 Minister Scully before he moved to to what's now DSIT, but it's a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12582-6 01:01:03.515 --> 01:01:07.590 something that is worked on with with Minister Hollinrake in DBT. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12582-7 01:01:07.590 --> 01:01:10.121 As Minister of Labour Markets currently. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12612-0 01:01:11.241 --> 01:01:14.295 And then when all of that comes together, collective regulation a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12612-1 01:01:14.295 --> 01:01:16.967 creates proposals and and and. And then, as I mentioned a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12612-2 01:01:16.967 --> 01:01:19.926 earlier, we go to pilots, such as with the online recruitment a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12612-3 01:01:19.926 --> 01:01:20.451 case study. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12692-0 01:01:22.591 --> 01:01:25.815 So I've mentioned the fact it's approved by ministers jointly a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12692-1 01:01:25.815 --> 01:01:28.572 led by Professor at Open University, brings together a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12692-2 01:01:28.572 --> 01:01:31.380 those 3 perspectives. The first example is the online a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12692-3 01:01:31.380 --> 01:01:34.553 recruitment certification and the simple diagram is intended a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12692-4 01:01:34.553 --> 01:01:37.362 just to show really what we mean, which is where does a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12692-5 01:01:37.362 --> 01:01:40.274 collective regulation tell us that we should be sitting a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12692-6 01:01:40.274 --> 01:01:43.187 between voluntary codes of conduct and direct statutory a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12692-7 01:01:43.187 --> 01:01:46.359 regulation? It's not as simple as saying there's there's one a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12692-8 01:01:46.359 --> 01:01:49.220 straightforward answer. Collective regulation takes on a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12692-9 01:01:49.220 --> 01:01:52.445 all those inputs to create a blended approach that's relevant a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12692-10 01:01:52.445 --> 01:01:52.601 to. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12701-0 01:01:52.701 --> 01:01:55.194 Which have a subset of the labor market we're currently looking a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12701-1 01:01:55.194 --> 01:01:55.311 at. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12778-0 01:01:56.881 --> 01:02:00.570 So I want to conclude this morning by saying I've talked a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12778-1 01:02:00.570 --> 01:02:04.571 little bit about who jobs aware are. I've kept it brief and the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12778-2 01:02:04.571 --> 01:02:08.635 work we do particularly focused on online recruitment. We see an a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12778-3 01:02:08.635 --> 01:02:12.199 awful lot of international recruitment type scams as Ian a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12778-4 01:02:12.199 --> 01:02:15.888 has mentioned, we see more towards the end towards the end a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12778-5 01:02:15.888 --> 01:02:19.452 of the spectrum of UK brands being used by fraudsters to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12778-6 01:02:19.452 --> 01:02:23.016 trick people overseas into thinking they've got a job in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12778-7 01:02:23.016 --> 01:02:26.955 the UK and spending huge amounts of money on fake travel, fake a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12778-8 01:02:26.955 --> 01:02:27.331 visas. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12793-0 01:02:27.481 --> 01:02:32.412 Fake recruitment fees. But what I wanted to end on really was is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12793-1 01:02:32.412 --> 01:02:34.081 to to to to reiterate. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12879-0 01:02:35.011 --> 01:02:38.506 Right. What? What businesses can do and other organizations to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12879-1 01:02:38.506 --> 01:02:41.834 help help the cause. If you imagine our ecosystem that I've a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12879-2 01:02:41.834 --> 01:02:45.384 already mentioned and the fact that we partner with, with, with a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12879-3 01:02:45.384 --> 01:02:49.046 stakeholders all for free to put the message of jobs aware out to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12879-4 01:02:49.046 --> 01:02:52.263 workers and work seekers, partnering is a key part of our a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12879-5 01:02:52.263 --> 01:02:55.592 strategy above that partner level. If you can imagine it as a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12879-6 01:02:55.592 --> 01:02:59.031 a sort of visual diagram. Our foundation is a free partnering a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12879-7 01:02:59.031 --> 01:03:02.582 scheme to get word out to work seeks and workers and then above a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12879-8 01:03:02.582 --> 01:03:05.855 that foundation comes on top the collective regulation and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12879-9 01:03:05.855 --> 01:03:06.521 building up. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12961-0 01:03:06.581 --> 01:03:09.917 Whatever type of a scheme is relevant to that path, the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12961-1 01:03:09.917 --> 01:03:13.671 labour market, So what can other people do then to support the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12961-2 01:03:13.671 --> 01:03:17.603 work of of jobs to where so I've already said, Ron, almost half a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12961-3 01:03:17.603 --> 01:03:21.417 million online adverts a day on over 10,000 weekly pay slips on a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12961-4 01:03:21.417 --> 01:03:25.051 over 250 recruitment sites. Clearly, we want to keep driving a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12961-5 01:03:25.051 --> 01:03:28.567 that, so we're getting and reaching more and more workers, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12961-6 01:03:28.567 --> 01:03:32.320 and in particular, we're making the supply chain more and more a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12961-7 01:03:32.320 --> 01:03:35.776 transparent. Supply chains are getting ever more complex, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12961-8 01:03:35.776 --> 01:03:36.551 whether it's. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12980-0 01:03:36.641 --> 01:03:40.505 Many umbrella companies statement of works type setups, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/12980-1 01:03:40.505 --> 01:03:44.301 PO's or all the other types of modern employment type. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13064-0 01:03:45.061 --> 01:03:48.542 Uh situations being created, it is getting more complex, so a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13064-1 01:03:48.542 --> 01:03:52.023 reaching through that in a transparent way is key to us. So a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13064-2 01:03:52.023 --> 01:03:54.983 there are many benefits to partner with jobs aware a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13064-3 01:03:54.983 --> 01:03:58.290 depending on what type of organization we're talking to, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13064-4 01:03:58.290 --> 01:04:01.365 whether it's a higher supply chain intermediary. But a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13064-5 01:04:01.365 --> 01:04:04.615 effectively it provides free health and advice on labor a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13064-6 01:04:04.615 --> 01:04:08.386 market issues to their customer base. So the eight, we have an 8 a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13064-7 01:04:08.386 --> 01:04:11.810 zed on our platform of worker help and advice which covers a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13064-8 01:04:11.810 --> 01:04:14.131 everything from contracts, holiday pay. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13144-0 01:04:15.151 --> 01:04:19.297 And everything in between that 8 to ZED is updated every, uh, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13144-1 01:04:19.297 --> 01:04:23.309 every couple of months by a group that spanned industry and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13144-2 01:04:23.309 --> 01:04:27.522 government, including HMRC, DBT and others, who who who update a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13144-3 01:04:27.522 --> 01:04:31.401 our 8OZ in a live sort of ongoing basis. We're not trying a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13144-4 01:04:31.401 --> 01:04:35.212 to invent the wheel so R A-Z doesn't replicate the great a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13144-5 01:04:35.212 --> 01:04:39.425 advice on HMRC about national and wage. It merely explains the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13144-6 01:04:39.425 --> 01:04:43.504 worker what they can expect, what an and where to get a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13144-7 01:04:43.504 --> 01:04:44.441 detailed help. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13222-0 01:04:44.541 --> 01:04:48.011 There's almost a signposting everything in one place, but for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13222-1 01:04:48.011 --> 01:04:51.425 for hires and intermediaries it's a way for them to get free a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13222-2 01:04:51.425 --> 01:04:54.672 help and advice for their customers. It's about diverting a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13222-3 01:04:54.672 --> 01:04:57.638 non company specific concerns and questions. So some a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13222-4 01:04:57.638 --> 01:05:00.885 organizations use us like umbrella companies because they a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13222-5 01:05:00.885 --> 01:05:04.131 get lots of queries about the recruitment agency, the the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13222-6 01:05:04.131 --> 01:05:07.210 workers ultimately working through. But that's not the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13222-7 01:05:07.210 --> 01:05:10.848 umbrella company. So they divert those to us and that saves them a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13222-8 01:05:10.848 --> 01:05:14.095 money and time. It's about leveling the playing field for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13222-9 01:05:14.095 --> 01:05:14.711 businesses. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13306-0 01:05:14.791 --> 01:05:18.205 So what we talk about a lot is you imagine 40,000 recruitment a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13306-1 01:05:18.205 --> 01:05:21.399 agencies out there. Many are doing the right thing. So if a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13306-2 01:05:21.399 --> 01:05:24.649 you're doing the right thing, help work with jobs aware to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13306-3 01:05:24.649 --> 01:05:27.898 pass the the message around and reach workers, we get more a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13306-4 01:05:27.898 --> 01:05:30.596 intelligence about the bad players. We can focus a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13306-5 01:05:30.596 --> 01:05:34.176 enforcement agencies time on the bad ones, meaning that that the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13306-6 01:05:34.176 --> 01:05:37.370 the playing field is leveled. Overall, I mentioned a case a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13306-7 01:05:37.370 --> 01:05:40.895 study earlier, well in November last year, we actually reported a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13306-8 01:05:40.895 --> 01:05:44.365 more than one recruitment agency a day to the EAS, such as the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13306-9 01:05:44.365 --> 01:05:45.081 scale of the. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13386-0 01:05:45.181 --> 01:05:48.325 Reports we're getting through and what I would would also a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13386-1 01:05:48.325 --> 01:05:51.741 reiterate is that one reported day is after we triage them and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13386-2 01:05:51.741 --> 01:05:55.103 taken out all the ones that were spurious or weren't really a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13386-3 01:05:55.103 --> 01:05:58.302 breach of the standards. So that's just the ones that were a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13386-4 01:05:58.302 --> 01:06:01.772 left that were clearly breaches and it's about enabling greater a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13386-5 01:06:01.772 --> 01:06:05.243 supply chain transparency. It's free for workers. It's free for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13386-6 01:06:05.243 --> 01:06:07.900 businesses who partner with us and it's free for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13386-7 01:06:07.900 --> 01:06:10.665 intermediaries. All our partnership principles are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13386-8 01:06:10.665 --> 01:06:14.027 available on the website and companies can sign up online. So a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13386-9 01:06:14.027 --> 01:06:15.491 I hope that's been helpful. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13431-0 01:06:15.671 --> 01:06:19.156 At walk through of the work of of jobs where I've tried to keep a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13431-1 01:06:19.156 --> 01:06:22.533 it brief, we're covering a huge spectrum of the labour market a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13431-2 01:06:22.533 --> 01:06:25.692 and as a as sort of form of charity, we we we welcome any a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13431-3 01:06:25.692 --> 01:06:29.233 coworking opportunities with all of the great organisations that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13431-4 01:06:29.233 --> 01:06:32.011 are here with us today and and back to you, Julia. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13467-0 01:06:36.581 --> 01:06:40.379 OK. Thank you so much. That was that was really interesting. I I a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13467-1 01:06:40.379 --> 01:06:43.710 I learned a lot. We've got a couple of questions, one of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13467-2 01:06:43.710 --> 01:06:47.158 which you've answered, which was Victoria's question about a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13467-3 01:06:47.158 --> 01:06:50.081 charges. So that is is all free, is that correct? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13488-0 01:06:50.741 --> 01:06:54.116 Yeah, absolutely aware. For transparency, we're funded by a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13488-1 01:06:54.116 --> 01:06:57.551 what was based and now DBT. So this is free for all users. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13528-0 01:06:58.071 --> 01:07:02.584 OK. That's great to know. And then one from Joanne Young, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13528-1 01:07:02.584 --> 01:07:07.408 what's success do you have, uh getting fake or cloned job ads a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13528-2 01:07:07.408 --> 01:07:12.466 down and websites taken down, if they're, if they're overseas is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13528-3 01:07:12.466 --> 01:07:14.101 she's a specifically? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13619-0 01:07:14.681 --> 01:07:18.003 Great questions. So we we take down dozens of job adverts a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13619-1 01:07:18.003 --> 01:07:21.546 week, I would say probably about a third of those are overseas. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13619-2 01:07:21.546 --> 01:07:25.201 It is easier where the job Board is a multinational because we've a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13619-3 01:07:25.201 --> 01:07:28.578 got relationships with them. If it is the local job board in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13619-4 01:07:28.578 --> 01:07:31.845 Uganda, it is more difficult. But we work closely with the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13619-5 01:07:31.845 --> 01:07:35.444 Metropolitan Police and when we write to job boards overseas, we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13619-6 01:07:35.444 --> 01:07:38.988 copy in the Metropolitan Police and you'd be surprised how many a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13619-7 01:07:38.988 --> 01:07:42.421 job boards just think that that has any relevance and so they a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13619-8 01:07:42.421 --> 01:07:45.854 therefore, of course, there's no jurisdiction, but they think a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13619-9 01:07:45.854 --> 01:07:46.851 there is. So they. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13628-0 01:07:46.991 --> 01:07:49.911 Remove it so the success rate is quite is quite high actually. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13629-0 01:07:50.491 --> 01:07:50.731 Right. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13643-0 01:07:50.851 --> 01:07:54.522 Fantastic. Thank you very much, Keith. And I don't think we've a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13643-1 01:07:54.522 --> 01:07:55.921 got any other questions. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13680-0 01:07:56.011 --> 01:08:00.408 And but I think I think that was was really interesting. So thank a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13680-1 01:08:00.408 --> 01:08:03.939 you very much. And as I say, please drop any further a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13680-2 01:08:03.939 --> 01:08:08.203 questions for Keith in the chat and we can come back to them at a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13680-3 01:08:08.203 --> 01:08:12.001 the end. OK. This takes us on to our final presentation. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13734-0 01:08:12.921 --> 01:08:17.525 From Frank Frank, I think you you we, we've we've we're we're a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13734-1 01:08:17.525 --> 01:08:22.278 alright from time wise so we're we're we're just about where we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13734-2 01:08:22.278 --> 01:08:27.179 need to be. So you're gonna take us take us through the work that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13734-3 01:08:27.179 --> 01:08:31.561 we've been around we've been doing around Romanian workers a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13734-4 01:08:31.561 --> 01:08:35.868 rights and the next steps for that work so welcome. Thank a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13734-5 01:08:35.868 --> 01:08:37.131 Frank. Thank you. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13766-0 01:08:38.011 --> 01:08:41.829 Thanks, Julia. Yeah, there's myself and Adina. He's gonna a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13766-1 01:08:41.829 --> 01:08:45.253 take you through this presentation. I'll give you a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13766-2 01:08:45.253 --> 01:08:49.467 quick introduction. I'll pass to Adina and then I'll pick up on a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13766-3 01:08:49.467 --> 01:08:52.891 the on the last slide. So good afternoon, everyone. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13777-0 01:08:54.031 --> 01:08:57.593 Let's, Julie said. We're just gonna talk you through this a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13777-1 01:08:57.593 --> 01:08:58.761 prevention project. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13822-0 01:09:00.051 --> 01:09:03.653 It follows on from the level one award, the worker rights and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13822-1 01:09:03.653 --> 01:09:07.255 level exploitation, which was launched last year. That's been a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13822-2 01:09:07.255 --> 01:09:10.974 usually positive and the skills and education group will design a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13822-3 01:09:10.974 --> 01:09:14.460 that award a continuing to promote and expand. Availability a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13822-4 01:09:14.460 --> 01:09:16.901 of this qualification across the country. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13887-0 01:09:17.621 --> 01:09:21.647 However, we did get feedback which suggested that it was not a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13887-1 01:09:21.647 --> 01:09:25.805 fully meeting needs within all of the communities, and I think a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13887-2 01:09:25.805 --> 01:09:29.634 this was sharp and particular when we had a we attended a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13887-3 01:09:29.634 --> 01:09:33.462 modern slavery conference that was hosted by the Romanian a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13887-4 01:09:33.462 --> 01:09:37.488 Embassy and consulate, which really allowed stakeholders the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13887-5 01:09:37.488 --> 01:09:41.778 opportunities to discuss some of the root causes of exploitation a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13887-6 01:09:41.778 --> 01:09:43.231 of Romanian nationals. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13907-0 01:09:44.311 --> 01:09:48.141 And when we look at the the picture in the UK, there's 1.4 a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13907-1 01:09:48.141 --> 01:09:52.036 million Romanian nationals who have now applied for settled a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13907-2 01:09:52.036 --> 01:09:52.491 status. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13944-0 01:09:53.371 --> 01:09:58.099 The most out of any country in the EU and many of these workers a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13944-1 01:09:58.099 --> 01:10:02.754 may lack a a full understanding of their employment rights and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13944-2 01:10:02.754 --> 01:10:06.966 along with cultural and language barriers, can make them a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13944-3 01:10:06.966 --> 01:10:08.961 vulnerable to exploitation. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13981-0 01:10:09.701 --> 01:10:14.761 And added to that, that total is 53% have applied and have only a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13981-1 01:10:14.761 --> 01:10:19.822 been granted pre settled status only, so again making them even a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13981-2 01:10:19.822 --> 01:10:24.645 more vulnerable and exposed to losing their right to work if a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/13981-3 01:10:24.645 --> 01:10:27.571 they do not reapply and and upgrade. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14012-0 01:10:29.091 --> 01:10:32.699 So all of this is it set the ground really for us to think a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14012-1 01:10:32.699 --> 01:10:36.490 about. How could we create and bespoke and simplified version a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14012-2 01:10:36.490 --> 01:10:40.159 of the the Level 1 qualification that could be delivered in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14012-3 01:10:40.159 --> 01:10:42.361 Romanian and in Community settings? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14022-0 01:10:43.041 --> 01:10:45.861 Anticipating that this would have its, you know, the the the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14022-1 01:10:45.861 --> 01:10:46.601 greatest impact. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14064-0 01:10:47.381 --> 01:10:51.466 So the skills and education Group would tasked to come in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14064-1 01:10:51.466 --> 01:10:55.199 and and design in effect of three hour course, not a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14064-2 01:10:55.199 --> 01:10:59.778 qualification. So it's just that it's a 3 hour course, but using a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14064-3 01:10:59.778 --> 01:11:04.357 the content and the key learning outcomes from the qualification a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14064-4 01:11:04.357 --> 01:11:06.611 to frame it within that setting. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14138-0 01:11:07.181 --> 01:11:11.345 Umm. Through the support of the the Romanian Embassy, we were a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14138-1 01:11:11.345 --> 01:11:15.375 able to identify and invite UK based organizations who were a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14138-2 01:11:15.375 --> 01:11:19.540 supporting and providing some really valuable services to the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14138-3 01:11:19.540 --> 01:11:23.503 remaining community and we wanted them to join the project a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14138-4 01:11:23.503 --> 01:11:27.667 as Community facilitators. And what we're gonna do now is I'm a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14138-5 01:11:27.667 --> 01:11:31.966 going to pass you over to Adina, who was one of those community a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14138-6 01:11:31.966 --> 01:11:35.661 facilitators. And as I've played a really key part in. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14175-0 01:11:37.061 --> 01:11:41.826 Planning and delivering the sessions that that took to you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14175-1 01:11:41.826 --> 01:11:46.914 know that took place. So I'll keep the the slides moving Edina a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14175-2 01:11:46.914 --> 01:11:51.761 if you want to to pick up and take onto the the next stage. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14257-0 01:11:52.991 --> 01:11:57.042 I'm sure. Thank you very much. I just I just put in the channel, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14257-1 01:11:57.042 --> 01:12:01.032 I'm still on the intro slide. So can we go to slide three? Good a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14257-2 01:12:01.032 --> 01:12:04.772 afternoon, everyone. Thank you so very much for inviting me a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14257-3 01:12:04.772 --> 01:12:08.450 friend to present with you about the very successful pilot a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14257-4 01:12:08.450 --> 01:12:11.816 project. We we worked on together and it was a bit of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14257-5 01:12:11.816 --> 01:12:15.805 finely ring and I think linked to the other presentations, it's a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14257-6 01:12:15.805 --> 01:12:19.670 another example of international collaboration in essence and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14257-7 01:12:19.670 --> 01:12:23.161 cross cultural collaboration. But on the awareness and. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14265-0 01:12:23.261 --> 01:12:26.121 Then prevention side of things rather than enforcement. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14304-0 01:12:26.721 --> 01:12:31.534 Umm the the main role we played as a facilitator or facilitating a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14304-1 01:12:31.534 --> 01:12:35.682 organization. We also worked on the content, so we help a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14304-2 01:12:35.682 --> 01:12:40.199 translate the code simplified version of the level one award a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14304-3 01:12:40.199 --> 01:12:42.051 and we made sure that is. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14375-0 01:12:42.131 --> 01:12:46.441 And I'm responding culturally to the need for information that we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14375-1 01:12:46.441 --> 01:12:50.424 identified through our frontline work. So for example, there a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14375-2 01:12:50.424 --> 01:12:53.885 would terms that we help translate in equivalence in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14375-3 01:12:53.885 --> 01:12:57.869 Romanian and we had a lot of Ohara moments during the course a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14375-4 01:12:57.869 --> 01:13:01.983 delivery where people actually understood that the systems are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14375-5 01:13:01.983 --> 01:13:05.967 not that different and exactly what certain, you know, terms a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14375-6 01:13:05.967 --> 01:13:10.016 refer to certain rights and so on. So it connected everything a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14375-7 01:13:10.016 --> 01:13:11.061 very, very well. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14405-0 01:13:11.511 --> 01:13:15.924 And and in six weeks we are we, we managed to deliver 33 a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14405-1 01:13:15.924 --> 01:13:20.105 training sessions between 5:00 to facilitators 3 from a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14405-2 01:13:20.105 --> 01:13:24.519 organizations organization and two more from other other a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14405-3 01:13:24.519 --> 01:13:25.061 groups. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14449-0 01:13:25.931 --> 01:13:30.481 And in total, $271.00 attending the course and at the beginning a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14449-1 01:13:30.481 --> 01:13:35.032 there was a bit of a reluctance in the sense that it it sounded a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14449-2 01:13:35.032 --> 01:13:39.370 very much like ohh there are issues within our community. So a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14449-3 01:13:39.370 --> 01:13:40.081 it's it's. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14529-0 01:13:41.461 --> 01:13:44.905 With poised to attend, because Romanians are exploited and so a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14529-1 01:13:44.905 --> 01:13:48.072 on. But we spoke to a Romanian researcher at Bournemouth a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14529-2 01:13:48.072 --> 01:13:51.294 University who provided the really useful insight, saying a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14529-3 01:13:51.294 --> 01:13:54.461 that some of the Romanians that are subject to abuse and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14529-4 01:13:54.461 --> 01:13:57.794 exploitation don't. I actually see themselves as victims as a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14529-5 01:13:57.794 --> 01:14:01.183 success looks very different for people in the Community, so a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14529-6 01:14:01.183 --> 01:14:04.849 having a job that is better paid than what they earned back home. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14529-7 01:14:04.849 --> 01:14:08.016 But it's not necessarily documented. For example, it may a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14529-8 01:14:08.016 --> 01:14:11.627 mean that they're happy with the income and that's that's it. So a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14529-9 01:14:11.627 --> 01:14:12.961 we changed our approach. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14557-0 01:14:13.101 --> 01:14:17.227 We work with local leaders because this was delivered in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14557-1 01:14:17.227 --> 01:14:21.787 various locations across England and connecting with the local a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14557-2 01:14:21.787 --> 01:14:24.321 leaders also play the key role in. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14578-0 01:14:24.991 --> 01:14:28.398 At promoting the course and getting the learners to attend a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14578-1 01:14:28.398 --> 01:14:31.691 and engage and enhance the feedback we received was very a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14578-2 01:14:31.691 --> 01:14:32.211 positive. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14651-0 01:14:32.831 --> 01:14:36.451 So we're super, super pleased with that. In terms of those a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14651-1 01:14:36.451 --> 01:14:40.379 with who have attended date, we had very diverse call course in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14651-2 01:14:40.379 --> 01:14:43.754 terms of gender, sexual orientation, faith ability and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14651-3 01:14:43.754 --> 01:14:47.682 disability respectively in your divergent, divergent and so on. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14651-4 01:14:47.682 --> 01:14:51.487 And we also decided to host some baseball sessions for groups a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14651-5 01:14:51.487 --> 01:14:54.862 that were particularly vulnerable. So for example, for a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14651-6 01:14:54.862 --> 01:14:58.422 domestic abuse in five hours because we provided domestic a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14651-7 01:14:58.422 --> 01:15:01.797 abuse support service in Romanian, we have the session a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14651-8 01:15:01.797 --> 01:15:04.191 online because of childcare needs and. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14673-0 01:15:04.281 --> 01:15:08.201 Notably this this this was required and through this we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14673-1 01:15:08.201 --> 01:15:11.141 managed to reach those vulnerable groups. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14681-0 01:15:12.501 --> 01:15:14.111 Can we move on to the next slide, please? a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14754-0 01:15:16.601 --> 01:15:20.867 And one important thing I think of in terms of this project is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14754-1 01:15:20.867 --> 01:15:24.456 that it was very much equity led. So voices from the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14754-2 01:15:24.456 --> 01:15:28.586 communities we were targeting were present. They contributed a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14754-3 01:15:28.586 --> 01:15:32.852 to the design and delivery of this project. So it made it made a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14754-4 01:15:32.852 --> 01:15:37.050 a huge difference. It helped build trust and people opened up a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14754-5 01:15:37.050 --> 01:15:41.384 and discussed about issues they came across. So they were happy a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14754-6 01:15:41.384 --> 01:15:45.718 to fill in the feedback form. So we we gathered a lot of useful a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14754-7 01:15:45.718 --> 01:15:46.531 information. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14837-0 01:15:46.611 --> 01:15:50.348 This I was. So for example we had the learner who was disabled a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14837-1 01:15:50.348 --> 01:15:54.085 and also illiterate, so we had to adapt the delivery phase and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14837-2 01:15:54.085 --> 01:15:57.584 the the way we deliver it and use for visuals and so on to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14837-3 01:15:57.584 --> 01:16:00.965 make sure that the course is accessible. So for example, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14837-4 01:16:00.965 --> 01:16:04.525 having a room of people where some learners speak very good a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14837-5 01:16:04.525 --> 01:16:08.202 English, some other learners do not experience iterations but a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14837-6 01:16:08.202 --> 01:16:11.761 speak almost no English and then a number of people who are a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14837-7 01:16:11.761 --> 01:16:15.439 completely bitrate and don't speak English at all. So we have a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14837-8 01:16:15.439 --> 01:16:17.041 to adapt and work with the. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14851-0 01:16:17.141 --> 01:16:20.387 With the room basically to make sure that the course is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14851-1 01:16:20.387 --> 01:16:21.721 accessible to everyone. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14903-0 01:16:23.371 --> 01:16:27.917 Unfortunately, or you know just flowing again and demonstrating a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14903-1 01:16:27.917 --> 01:16:32.179 the need for such a program, the 99% of course at attendees a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14903-2 01:16:32.179 --> 01:16:36.157 experience one or more work related issues and we speak a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14903-3 01:16:36.157 --> 01:16:40.348 about people who are either highly skilled or have limited a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14903-4 01:16:40.348 --> 01:16:44.681 skills. And as I said with a range of needs and very diverse a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14903-5 01:16:44.681 --> 01:16:46.031 groups of learners. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14975-0 01:16:46.971 --> 01:16:50.769 I've mentioned already the domestic abuse survivors session a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14975-1 01:16:50.769 --> 01:16:54.884 that was delivered online, which has been very well received and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14975-2 01:16:54.884 --> 01:16:58.429 it covered a huge gap in the market and also the highly a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14975-3 01:16:58.429 --> 01:17:02.290 skilled workers. Skilled workers mainly raised issues around a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14975-4 01:17:02.290 --> 01:17:06.278 discrimination at work. So for example, they were not accepted a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14975-5 01:17:06.278 --> 01:17:10.267 as a main point of contact for the team or for the clients, or a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14975-6 01:17:10.267 --> 01:17:14.128 they were excluded from social gatherings or they were given a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/14975-7 01:17:14.128 --> 01:17:16.281 tasks more than other colleagues. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15058-0 01:17:16.381 --> 01:17:19.859 Umm. Of different nationalities. It was really interesting to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15058-1 01:17:19.859 --> 01:17:23.001 hear how people who are perfectly fluent in English and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15058-2 01:17:23.001 --> 01:17:26.423 understand their rights were still subject to discrimination a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15058-3 01:17:26.423 --> 01:17:29.396 and I think the other videos that we had part of the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15058-4 01:17:29.396 --> 01:17:32.874 presentation were very helpful because we're showing examples a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15058-5 01:17:32.874 --> 01:17:36.072 where employers refuse to recruit more people to provide a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15058-6 01:17:36.072 --> 01:17:39.607 the that needed resource so they don't put a lot of stress and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15058-7 01:17:39.607 --> 01:17:43.029 pressure on the existing stuff which you know in the in that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15058-8 01:17:43.029 --> 01:17:46.171 case they they've been through that kind of experience. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15062-0 01:17:46.811 --> 01:17:48.071 And another interesting and. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15080-0 01:17:48.171 --> 01:17:52.067 And a point in a huge success, I think is that we managed to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15080-1 01:17:52.067 --> 01:17:54.941 reach some of the Roma Romanian communities. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15155-0 01:17:55.611 --> 01:17:59.759 And one of the Roman leaders that attended one of the courses a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15155-1 01:17:59.759 --> 01:18:03.908 mentioned, young Roma Romanians that are struggling to secure a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15155-2 01:18:03.908 --> 01:18:08.191 employment and access trainings because of some of them because a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15155-3 01:18:08.191 --> 01:18:12.340 of the language barrier and or some other ones because of the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15155-4 01:18:12.340 --> 01:18:16.555 literacy issues. So this is a particularly vulnerable group of a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15155-5 01:18:16.555 --> 01:18:20.771 young men who are really keen to work. And also we had another a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15155-6 01:18:20.771 --> 01:18:25.188 group of Romanian Roma women who were stay at home moms who never a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15155-7 01:18:25.188 --> 01:18:26.861 had access to any formal. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15199-0 01:18:26.951 --> 01:18:30.241 And education in terms of gaining skills and looking at a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15199-1 01:18:30.241 --> 01:18:33.884 their employability and so on. But with the children growing, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15199-2 01:18:33.884 --> 01:18:37.351 they were very keen to find something that could help them a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15199-3 01:18:37.351 --> 01:18:40.935 get into the jobs market and you know, finding some jobs and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15199-4 01:18:40.935 --> 01:18:42.111 gaining some skills. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15206-0 01:18:43.101 --> 01:18:44.691 Can you? Bye. Thank you. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15217-0 01:18:46.761 --> 01:18:50.091 I think frankly, only to discuss about this or. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15285-0 01:18:50.441 --> 01:18:54.537 Yeah, I'll. I'll jump in now, Adina, fast. So that's OK. So a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15230-0 01:18:52.981 --> 01:18:54.411 Thank you. Yeah. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15285-1 01:18:54.537 --> 01:18:58.839 thanks ever so much for that. And and and as Adina said, there a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15285-2 01:18:58.839 --> 01:19:03.072 was so much we've learned from that we've produced an interim a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15285-3 01:19:03.072 --> 01:19:07.374 evaluation, but there is a full evaluation to be completed and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15285-4 01:19:07.374 --> 01:19:11.129 that will be published next month. But as you can see, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15285-5 01:19:11.129 --> 01:19:13.723 there's a number of opportunities and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15285-6 01:19:13.723 --> 01:19:17.752 recommendations that have been gathered from the Community a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15285-7 01:19:17.752 --> 01:19:19.391 facilitators themselves. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15311-0 01:19:20.391 --> 01:19:24.664 And and you have have a really gave us the insight that we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15311-1 01:19:24.664 --> 01:19:29.371 wouldn't have gained had we not use them in the way that we that a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15311-2 01:19:29.371 --> 01:19:29.951 we have. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15377-0 01:19:31.041 --> 01:19:35.571 Looking at next steps, as I say, we're gonna complete an and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15377-1 01:19:35.571 --> 01:19:40.399 publish a full evaluation. We've already started the translation a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15377-2 01:19:40.399 --> 01:19:44.782 of this course into into other languages we've piloted, or a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15377-3 01:19:44.782 --> 01:19:48.941 we've produced an easy read version of this course, and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15377-4 01:19:48.941 --> 01:19:53.397 we're gonna pile it that with people with special education a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15377-5 01:19:53.397 --> 01:19:58.003 needs a later this year to see how that is received. But most a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15377-6 01:19:58.003 --> 01:20:01.791 of all, once we ready, we want to invite partners. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15465-0 01:20:02.201 --> 01:20:05.550 To work with us, to help roll the course out to target a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15465-1 01:20:05.550 --> 01:20:09.327 targeted communities and what we'd like you to do, there is a a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15465-2 01:20:09.327 --> 01:20:13.042 a survey that we're gonna put into the chat, just asking you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15465-3 01:20:13.042 --> 01:20:16.697 some questions about working with us and what we'd like you a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15465-4 01:20:16.697 --> 01:20:20.473 to do is just give an expression of interest. Nothing more is a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15465-5 01:20:20.473 --> 01:20:24.188 required at this stage. But if you are interested, then just a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15465-6 01:20:24.188 --> 01:20:27.782 let us know, leave your contact details. And when we're in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15465-7 01:20:27.782 --> 01:20:31.497 position, we can get back in touch. And as I say, take it to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15465-8 01:20:31.497 --> 01:20:32.411 the next stage. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15475-0 01:20:32.781 --> 01:20:35.664 But thank you for listening and and happy to take any any a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15475-1 01:20:35.664 --> 01:20:36.161 questions. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15553-0 01:20:38.641 --> 01:20:42.914 Well, well done, Frank. Thank you. Adina, I have to say really a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15553-1 01:20:42.914 --> 01:20:46.644 impressive work from from everybody and I, I suppose I a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15553-2 01:20:46.644 --> 01:20:51.121 just wanted to sort of reflect a little bit on a couple of things a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15553-3 01:20:51.121 --> 01:20:55.530 around prevention. So this is a really great example of the work a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15553-4 01:20:55.530 --> 01:20:59.396 that the GLAA can do with partners in the communities to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15553-5 01:20:59.396 --> 01:21:03.804 really sort of prevent labeling labour exploitation. But also we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15553-6 01:21:03.804 --> 01:21:08.145 did see earlier in, in, in, in Ian's presentation prevention in a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15553-7 01:21:08.145 --> 01:21:09.231 a different way. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15624-0 01:21:09.301 --> 01:21:13.585 Which is through this sort of meet and greets. If you like a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15624-1 01:21:13.585 --> 01:21:18.088 coming off aeroplanes and or borders. So I think it's. I just a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15624-2 01:21:18.088 --> 01:21:22.372 don't want to lose the in the context of the strategy, the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15624-3 01:21:22.372 --> 01:21:26.802 importance of prevention and how it can be woven through all a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15624-4 01:21:26.802 --> 01:21:31.450 sorts of different types of work that the GLAA does and and and a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15624-5 01:21:31.450 --> 01:21:36.098 how important it it it is to us. So just a sort of an opposite, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15624-6 01:21:36.098 --> 01:21:39.221 an observation from, from me. Frank Keith. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15670-0 01:21:39.581 --> 01:21:43.996 In adina. Sam, thank you very much indeed for all of your a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15670-1 01:21:43.996 --> 01:21:48.868 presentations today. I might put it Elysia, a little bit on the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15670-2 01:21:48.868 --> 01:21:53.739 on the spot is just if there's anything that she wants to cover a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15670-3 01:21:53.739 --> 01:21:58.231 off and I will stand up and move and she can take my seat. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15760-0 01:21:59.881 --> 01:22:03.125 I am, I think all I'd say is thank you all for coming. It's a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15760-1 01:22:03.125 --> 01:22:06.370 really good to see so many people contributing to this. And a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15760-2 01:22:06.370 --> 01:22:09.183 I think the key thing that stands out for me is the a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15760-3 01:22:09.183 --> 01:22:12.698 partnership working that we do. So you know the jobs aware work, a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15760-4 01:22:12.698 --> 01:22:16.213 working with the dinner on this kind of thing really helps us to a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15760-5 01:22:16.213 --> 01:22:19.512 maximize the impact that we have and to make sure that we're a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15760-6 01:22:19.512 --> 01:22:22.811 working in sort of the best possible way that we can. And we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15760-7 01:22:22.811 --> 01:22:26.272 really appreciate those partner working relationships. And it's a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15760-8 01:22:26.272 --> 01:22:29.571 just really nice to see the impact and the benefits of those a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15760-9 01:22:29.571 --> 01:22:30.491 as we have today. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15768-0 01:22:30.701 --> 01:22:33.951 And so I think that's it for me. Thank you. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15836-0 01:22:37.591 --> 01:22:42.131 Thanks, Alicia, and thank you everybody else. And we I think a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15836-1 01:22:42.131 --> 01:22:46.821 we're going to just get try and seek some feedback on the sort a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15836-2 01:22:46.821 --> 01:22:51.436 of format and nature of these webinars and and presentations. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15836-3 01:22:51.436 --> 01:22:55.828 So please do expect something from us in the future and we a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15836-4 01:22:55.828 --> 01:23:00.146 would be hugely appreciative if you could just take a few a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15836-5 01:23:00.146 --> 01:23:04.463 moments to respond to those because we we do want to make a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15836-6 01:23:04.463 --> 01:23:07.441 sure that these are useful for you and. a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15865-0 01:23:07.531 --> 01:23:12.327 And helpful. So thank you very much indeed everybody for coming a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15865-1 01:23:12.327 --> 01:23:16.599 today. It's been really interesting set of presentations a3bded0c-76df-420f-9a6f-a92d569431d3/15865-2 01:23:16.599 --> 01:23:20.721 and enjoy the rest of your weeks. Thank you very much.